Part 1

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Part 1

(Sonny walks into her dressing room after sketch when she opens the door she finds the room completely filled with balloons and flowers)

Sonny: Who are all of these for? (swats balloon out of her face)

Tawni: (whiney voice) There all for you! Why do you always get all the gifts? What about me I deserve them way more than you!

Sonny: (smiles) Oh well let’s see who they are from. (picks up a small card from the flowers)

Dear Sonny

I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

Love Chaddy

Sonny: (smile fades) There all from Chad. (starts ripping up the card) (angry) He thinks he can just buy my forgiveness well he’s wrong! (grabs a pin off dresser and starts popping all the balloons)

Tawni: Ahhh! (jumps in her seat and smears her lipstick) Look what you made me do! This is my coco moco coco I can’t waste this!

Sonny: (now throwing flowers in the trash) This is not all about you Tawni. I just can’t believe Chad would think I’m that shallow that he could win me back with gifts.

Tawni: First it’s always about me. Second stop whinnying. I would love to be getting gifts now from guys who want me.

(Tawni goes to leave and bumps into Chad on the way out)

Chad: Watch it random.

Tawni: (makes disgusted noise and turns to Sonny) I don’t know what you ever saw in him. (she turns and leaves)

Chad: (looks sadly at the mess of balloon pieces and the broken flowers sticking up from the trash) You didn’t like my gift.

Sonny: (stumbling on her words) I- I can’t believe you Chad. This needs to stop. I already gave you a second chance and you- you blew it!

Chad: (tries to comfort Sonny but she backs away) (disappointed) I don’t want to stop trying because I love you ma lady.

Sonny: (tearing eyes) I don’t know what to say Chad. (covers her face and walks out of the dressing room)

(Chad picks up one of the flowers and leaves)

Sonny With A Chance Season 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon