Part 19

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Part 19

Sonny: Ewww! (sheilds her eyes)

(Nico and Tawni jump up from the couch)

Tawni: (surprised) Sonny! It's not what it looks like!

Nico: (stuttering) Uh uh yeah we were j-just uh

Sonny: Kissing! I can't believe this you two!?

Tawni: Yeah well you didn't see anything. I am not ready for the whole world to know about this. Are we clear on that?

Sonny: Uh yeah. Well this has been shocking and weird. I'm just going to go and look for Sarah and try to get this image out if my head. (quickly shakes her head and walks back into the hallway)

(Sonny turns into the cafeteria and sees Sarah and Brad talking at a table)

Sonny: (walks over) There you are Sarah I was getting worried. (looks to Brad) How did you get here?

Brad: Oh I came to get a drink and ran into Sarah. She asked me where you were and I didn't know so I offered to sit with her.

Sarah: Yeah I kinda got lost sorry.

Sonny: No it's okay. I'm just glad I found you. And thank you Brad for staying with her. (leans over and kisses him on the cheek)

Brad: (smiles) You're welcome.

Sarah: Awww you two are so cute together!

Sonny: (giggles) Well we better finish up the tour you have to leave soon to make your flight back.

Sarah: Okay! (stands up) Bye Brad!

Sonny: I'll meet you in here as soon as I'm done.

Brad: Okay have fun.

I bet you thought it was Brad and Sarah kissing. Hehehe oops little plot twist. But don't worry I am getting rid of Brad soon. Thank you for reading and love you!

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