Part 13

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Part 13

(Sonny is meeting Brad for their second date)

(Sonny walks up to Brad and he grabs her hand and opens the door for her)

Sonny: (smiles shyly) Thank you.

Brad: Of course. Now let’s find a seat so…

Chad: (waves them over to a booth where him and Bonny are sitting) Hey guys why don’t you join us.

Bonny: (smiles) Yeah come sit it can be a double date.

(Brad starts to walk over)

Sonny: (groans) What are you doing that’s Chad my ex. Remember?

Brad: Yeah. But look he has a girlfriend so clearly he has moved on. Come on it will be nice. (gives Sonny’s hand a tug)

Sonny: (sighs and follows Brad to sit down across from them) Hey.

Chad: Hey there ma...(starts clearing his throat) Sonny.

Bonny: Hey Sonny. Brad. I am glad you guys sat with us I like you.

Brad: (staring at Bonny) Is she your twin sister?

Sonny: No we are not related.

Brad: Freaky. (continues to stare)

Sonny: I know.

(awkward silence)

Sonny: Well I need to go to the bathroom. If the waitress comes I'll take a slice of cheese pizza. (starts getting up from the booth)

Bonny: I need to go too. (they both walk to the bathroom)

(the waitress walks over to take their order)

Waitress: Hi! What can I get you guys!

Brad: (checking out the waitress) I’ll take a slice of you.

Waitress: (blushes and turns to Chad)

(Chad orders for everyone and as the waitress walks away she winks at Brad and he smiles)

Chad: (looks at Brad in disgust) Why in the world were you flirting with that waitress when you are on a date with one of the most amazing girls in the world!

Brad: Relax I was just having a little fun.

Chad: (angry) Just having fun! Well you better stop ‘Just having fun’ because if you break her heart I will come for you!

Brad: (laughs) I am sorry but didn’t you already do that.

Chad: (extremely sad and hurt face) (shaky) Yes and I regret it every single day of my life and I will never be able to make it up to her.

(Sonny and Bonny come out of the bathroom)

Bonny: (see Chad’s face) What’s the matter sweetie?

Chad: Nothing I just remember something I really need to do. Do you care if we go?

Bonny: Of course not. (grabs his hand and they leave)

Sonny: He looked really upset did he say what was bothering him?

Brad: Yeah something about losing followers on some internet page.

Sonny: (rolls her eyes) Typical.

(the waitress comes with their food)

(Sonny starts to eat while the waitress sets Brad’s plate down and he winks at her)

(Sonny and Brad finish their date and he walks Sonny back to her apartment)

Brad: Bye. (leans in to kiss Sonny on the lips but she turns and he gets her cheek)

(Brad starts walking away a little frustrated and Sonny doesn’t notice)

Sonny: (waves) Bye.

Hey guys! I just wanted to know what you think and if you have any ideas for the story please feel free to tell me. I was also wondering what you guys thought of the Nico and Tawni thing. Okay well thats it. Bye! Love all of you guys! <3

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