Chapter 1

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Zoe P.f

"Joe hurry up, we need to go and meet Lucy" Joe was never any good at being places on time but i wanted to make Alfie proud i mean this is his sister were talking about, i don't want him to think Joe doesn't want to meet her. 

"I'm just coming, I'm sure they won't mind if we're late by a few minutes" Joe shouts down stairs. The thing is i know he's right. I know Alfie won't really mind, but i do.

Joe P.f

I really wanted to meet Lucy everything i have heard about her from Zoe, Alfie, Marcus, Caspar everyone i knew she was a brilliant girl. But the only problem is i think i like her. I've never meet her so I'm not sure if it's possibly for me to like her, but I've seen her in Alfie's videos and blogs and she's beautiful, very beautiful. 

2 hours later.

"Omg Joe, you were sick all over Dan's cousin" I said, laughing while seeing Joe turn red.

"It was  accidental, i never meant any harm, i was drunk, so drunk even Zoe wasn't able to be near me Lucy". Joe explained to me. Joe was really handsome, fit, funny, smart. I think i was going to get along with this sugg, maybe even more than Alfie would like. He's been telling me that while I'm hanging around with all of his mates I'm not aloud to get to close, but he got close with my friend in college which i let slide, so I'm sure if something goes on he wouldn't mind to much.



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