Chapter 1

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Do you ever feel as if you have already been in the same situation before? But not in your childhood times but a long long time again before you were even born? Like your re-living your past self.』

"Master Kou why are you wearing those clothes. Now you look like a commoner." The butler spoke. "Lucas, that is no way to speak like that, I dressed like this to blend in with my fellow people. Now your going to make us stand out." Kou says with a soft gentle voice to Lucas who was dressed all fancy. They roamed the streets with children running around, dirt puddles everywhere, rocky pathways, homes and shop buildings all along the side of the path next to each other. "Master Kou this place stinks of filth. I think we should turn back." The butler doesn't seem to like filth, also in the palace he makes the cleaners clean until there is no dirt left to be seen. "Lucas you can always go back if you want, your the one who followed me down here, but if you do go back I don't want you telling Father where I am." He says waving his finger from left to right. Soon enough Lucas turned around and headed back covering his nose.

Walking down the streets Kou starts to play with the children, and asking the people if there is anything they would like to improve. "I'm not sure if there is anything that needs improving, but maybe if we could get some more money it would help a lot." A lady says, "if the Okazaki family would stop asking for more tax every week." A man says, another women asked "a little bit better hospitality and fresher water.", "ummm, I don't think anything needs improving this town is GREAT!" A little girl happily spoke.

Looking at his watch the time was 2:55pm, from behind a teenage girl with a bag which looked heavy ran past him but stopped and turned around, "um, *huff huff* what's the time?" It seemed this girl has been running for quite a while. "It's 2:56pm." He replies. "*huff huff* thank you, dang it I'm going to be late!" She ran off. Kou kept on walking forwards, "Dad, Hurry! Hurry it's almost 3pm! We have to go and watch her!" A boy says pulling his dad. He thought of his father and him as he watched the two run off. The streets seemed emptier than before, Kou kept on wondering why everyone was in a rush. And walked to the fountain under the clock tower, and saw everyone gathered around in an arc. He walked closer, to get a better look.

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