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We were standing outside by the institute, more specifically by the bay window that I use to sneak in to the Institute. If you haven't figured out by now, when I say 'We' I mean me and Jonathan Christopher Mor–alive than he is supposed to be–stern. I know what you're wondering: What? Why? How? Believe me I am wondering the same thing. I should have asked everyone more details about what had happened in the past, that would've been the smart idea. But it's too late to do it now since as some people refer to him as Beelzebub is STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!

"I don't know what to be surprised about—you coming back to life and then coming into the future or you actually brought two, very heavy, suitcases filled with leather jackets" I said very nonchalantly. I time traveled two times, nothing surprises me anymore. A dinosaur could walk on the streets of New York and all I would say is 'cool, but how about that pizza?' This wasn't the first time Jonathan has came back to life and this surely wasn't the first time anyone has time traveled. If idiots like Me and Oliver can do it, it should be very easy for Jonathan. But the question was–how does he remember me? The last time we were in 2007, Oliver had wiped his every memory containing me.

"Well I came prepared, unlike some people who need to borrow my clothes" he snorted

"Rude! I didn't know I was going to be stuck in the pre-Mortal War world for 5 months"

"I am glad you did" he smiled

"Ew! Gross!" I didn't know if he could tell that I was blushing, but I was. I could just feel the blood crushing to my cheeks making them warm.

"I agree, that was very bad. How about–you makes my palms sweaty, knees weak, arms spaghetti" he smirked

"I literally hate you" I laughed at his joke. We were still outside of the institute by my window. It was also getting dark so it would be better if we headed in.

"Get on one knee" I told him

"Woah! I don't think I am ready for commitment, not yet at least"

"I meant so I can climb through the window into my room" he did what I asked. I stepped on his palms and pushed myself through the window.

"Give me your bags" his bags were extremely heavy for just clothes. "Why are your bags heavier than my unbearable depression?"

"It also contains weapons"


"Shadowhunters don't travel light, especially to a place where people will try to attack them on sight"

I plopped two of his bags on to the dirty floor and than finally he himself climbed through the window. "It's my first time here and I have to use your window to get in"

"Oh, my bad! Next time use the front entrance, so you can meet Monsieur Herondale. And then Monsieur Herondale can bash your brains in" I rolled my eyes

"Your french is getting better....I forgot he also lived here" forgot? I don't think so. Jonathan doesn't forgot things about his beloved brother that easily. He was up to something and I was going to figure out what.

"Your room is horrible. It looks like someone died in here" he examined

"Someone did. Her name is shaggy"

Inverse( A Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now