Chapter 13: Take Your Time

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Take Your Time


Unbearable, unforgiving light.

That’s all I could see.

My head was killing me, though I didn’t doubt it would after all I’d drunken last night. Man, I don’t even remember what happened yesterday. I remember shots. Lots of shots. I remember sitting with Louis and Niall, and- fuck. What happened there? Then I was dancing with Zayn- NO! I was dancing with Perry. Right? Maybe. God, why is this so hard to remember? What happened after Perry? Ed! Ed did something. He- he won a game. Poker? No. Why the fuck would we have been playing poker in the club?

God, what happened after that? I drank more. Clearly. Then… Dancing? Maybe. Yes! Dancing! With- Liam! And then we… Oh god, no!

I shot up off the pillow, ignoring the pounding at my head. One look at my surroundings verified everything I’d been wondering. I was in a room that I’d only seen once in passing- Liam’s room. My dress was carelessly strewn about on the side of the bed, and I was in the button up that I distinctly remember on Liam last night.

And Liam? He was lightly snoring next me. Despite my initial reaction to this, I’d like to point out that he managed to look cute (sexy too) while being knocked out of his senses.

I couldn’t appreciate his beauty though because I was internally melting down. And maybe a little externally as well.

“Fuck!” I shouted a little too loudly. I mean, what the actual fuck was I thinking? Giving up my virginity, my innocence, my virtue for some boy that didn’t even live in the same country as me.

And I lost the bet. I lost the bet, and now everybody’s going to know that I can’t control my hormones. This is equally as painful as it is embarrassing. God, what would my mom say? Well she wouldn’t really care, but Jeff Mace… Oh fuck! He’s my genuine older brother, and if he knew I was being so reckless? Oh god.

“Oh, god, no.” I didn’t care that my whining was loud and particularly unattractive, but I was about to have a panic attack. My breathing was shallowing out and my already sticky skin was perspiring even more. “No, no, no.”

This couldn’t be happening to me. I’d spent my entire teenage life protecting my life from whatever mess I’d gotten myself into last night. I’d disappointed myself, Ed, Jeff, Noel, and my entire fandom that supported my carefulness. And- shit, he’s waking up.


“No, no, no.” That’s all my hung-over, regretful brain could come up with.

Liam sat up without wincing once. He was clearly not as wasted as I was last night, and that made me panic more harshly. “Hey. Are you alright?”

I made some sort of weird choking sob noise that wasn’t attractive in the least. “Obviously not.”

“Woah, woah, woah,” he whispered, grabbing my chin in one of his hands. The last thing I wanted was his hands on my body, though, which is why I flinched away from him. “What’s wrong?”

What’s wrong? What’s wrong?! The fact that his peen has seen my veen is wrong enough. Not to mention the fact that we were both drunk, not in any sort of committed relationship with each other, and I was previously a virgin. Like, I was so virgin that I’d never seen a damn penis, but now I’m waking up drunk, post-coital, and tainted. Thanks Liam!

“What isn’t wrong?” I decided to go with that. I didn’t want him to think I regretted it- nah, JK. I obviously fucking regretted it.

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