Chapter 3: Take Me to Bed

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Take Me to Bed

Saturday came and I found myself in a robe, standing in the arms of Tristan Pierce, trying to convince myself that everything was going to be okay. Today were filming the last scene of The Wrong Guy. Tuesday was our official last day, but Trish said she thought we’d be able to finish today.

The thing was, it wasn’t even a written scene. The writer’s been having second thoughts about whether there were enough scenes in the film, so he’s been adding in last minute scenes to occupy time. Some of them were really well constructed, but others were unnecessary.

The scene we were working on today was ridiculous, and I didn’t think it’d really come down to it, but it did. That’s how I found myself desperately clinging to Tristan, needing motivation to go on camera and do what I did not want to do.

“It’s okay if you’re nervous, Ice,” he tried to reassure me.

“I didn’t think they’d actually do something like this.” There were rumors going on for the past few weeks, but nobody actually thought they’d come to this. Especially with how young Tristan and I are.

Tristan hugged me even tighter into his chest, resting his chin on my head. It was moments like this that made me value our friendship. “We can talk to them about it if you want.”

“I don’t want to interfere with the film,” I admitted. And it was true. This movie was a lot of work, and I’ll be damned if it’s missing the spark it needs because I was naïve.

“They may end up cutting it anyways,” he kept pushing “They just want to see what will happen.”

“Look,” I insisted, putting my hands on his torso and pushing myself away from him. I have to be brave. I’m in this industry for a reason, and one little scene isn’t going to stop me. “I’ll do the scene, but don’t judge my body or anything.”

“Shut up, Isyss,” he joked, ruffling my hair a little. “You’re actually really hot.”

“That’ll make the nudity less awkward.” I’m glad we were back to being silly with each other. That’s how this friend ship goes, and I love it. “Way to go, Pierce!”

The next 15 minutes were spent with Tristan and me joking around with each other. The set designers still had to finish perfecting the bedroom as it didn’t have the right feel to it. It was supposed to be slightly romantic, but kind of half-assed as Tristan’s character, Josh was an asshole.

Eventually everything was ready and Trish, our director, called out to us, “Are you guys ready yet?”

“I guess.” I couldn’t be a baby about this.

Tristan wasn’t on the same wavelength as me, though. “Trish, I don’t know-”

“C’mon Tristan,” I cut him off before he could ruin anything. “Let’s take our places.”

“Isyss, you really don’t have to do this.”

“I’m fine. I’m fine,” reassuring Tristan wasn’t my full intention. I had to reassure myself as well.

“What if the media finds out,” he asked as we made our way onset. “They’ll start questioning your virginity again.”

“Then let them,” if he heard my voice quiver, he didn’t show it. “This is for the fans, not for them.”


“I’m fine!” I barked at him “Just-just take me to bed.”

I really needed to prove to everyone that I wasn’t some naïve girl from Pasadena. I needed to show them that while I may only be 18, I’m still a big girl. I’m worthy of the awards I’ve won, and landing this role wasn’t a fluke. One teeny sex scene wasn’t going to stop my career. I’m easy to work with, that’s my tagline. I had to prove it to be correct, and this was how I’d do it.

Take My Heart (Liam Payne)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя