Chapter 1: Take the Bet

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Take the Bet

It’s the night of the MTV Teen Choice awards. August first at that. Let me tell you, I was extremely excited. Sure, it’d been a tough 6 weeks, but with the help of my friends, I managed to overcome everything. There were still rumors going around about whether I was faking my virginity, but honestly? Why should anyone care?

I’m being nominated for 3 awards tonight. The first one was Best Actress for my work on Imagine. Then the next two had to do with each other… kind of. Best Onscreen Chemistry (with Jeff Mace), and Best Off-Screen Chemistry (with Ed Sheeran). Ever since I left Harry’s house that day at the end of June, I’d been spending more time with Ed. I realized that ending relationships because of the media was dumb, so I texted Ed and asked if he wanted to get dinner sometime. He did. Ed, Noel, Jeff and I know that we’re just friends, but the public tends to skew the view.

I’d come here with Jeff Mace, as we were nominated in 2 categories for our movie. Though Noel and Jeff claimed to be ‘just fooling around,’ I knew she was a bit upset she had to come with her cast.

Just as Jeff and I were about to take our seats, I saw a flash of ginger hair, and immediately knew it was Ed. I excused myself from Jeff, and made my way over.

“Sheeran,” I greeted.

He turned around with a large smile on his face. “Tyler!”

He came out from the seats and into the aisle to give me a hug. Contrary to popular belief, I didn’t faint. I guess you could say that I’d gotten over my crush on him. Don’t get me wrong, we’re still getting married, and he’s still the best artist I know, but I can wait another 5 years before I take him to bed and make him my bitch.

And yes, I had told him that these were my plans. He just laughed at me and continued to lose in Call of Duty. That was a good day.

“I just wanted to wish you luck,” I told him honestly.

He smiled back at me. “I got nominated with a hot woman, so I think I have a good chance.”

He never failed to make me laugh. “Besides, our competition sucks,” I added on. “Michael Cera and Jenna Tress? No thank you.”

“They’re too cute to win,” he defended.

I was in the middle of laughing loudly at Ed’s disgusted face when I was crushed into a hug. I turned around and saw some brunette hair. I was completely confused on who it was until the voice greeted me. “Ice-T”

My eyes rose significantly before I pulled out of his awkward hug to turn around. “LOUIS!” I shouted, completely shocked that he was here. I launched myself back into his arms hugging him properly this time.

“I missed you,” I spoke into his neck, refusing to let go.

He just chuckled, rubbing my back gently. “I missed you, too, love.” I almost melted. Love. Ed said it often, but I missed hearing it from the first British best friend I’d ever had.

We’d been hugging for a while before a throat was cleared. I hesitantly took my head out of his shoulder, looking up to see the rest of the band standing behind Louis.

“Hello, Isyss,” Harry waved. I could tell he was trying to be nice, but I knew that the way I’d treated him in the past was keeping him from being completely sincere.

I decided to lighten the mood by giving hugs to the boys. I first went up to Zayn and opened my arms. He just glared at me. I jokingly fluttered my eyelashes before he rolled his eyes and gave in. It was a quick hug, but it was victory nonetheless.

Harry was different to hug. I went up to him with open arms and he actually did hug me. It was a tense hug, and I could tell it’d take a while before he truly forgave me for my immature actions.

I then went up to Blon- Niall. I went up to Niall. I barely had my arms opened before he grabbed me by the shoulders to pull me in. I let out a laugh, letting him put his head into the junction at my neck and shoulder. I heard him chuckle as I patted his back. I liked that Niall forgave me so easy. I didn’t deserve his kindness, but I wouldn’t question it.

I saved Liam for last. I didn’t immediately open my arms. Liam was the most hateful towards me over the summer. Though we’d made up in June, I was still afraid he might be angry. All my thoughts were thrown out the window when he smiled at me at pulled me in for a hug.

I hugged him for a bit longer than the other 3 before pulling away. “So how have you been?” he asked me, making direct eye contact. I loved how genuine he sounded.

“Good,” I told him honestly, my voice quieter than it was earlier. “It’s been rough, but I’m getting through it.”

“It gets way easier,” he reassured.

I smiled at his encouragement. “You helped a lot in the beginning.”

“I’m glad,’ he grinned back, and I found my eyes drifting down to his lips. Without realizing it, I licked my lower lip before pulling it into my mouth. “Really glad,” he continued, and I didn’t miss the gulp he took.

“Well,” Louis interrupted after Liam and I had been staring at each other for a minute in silence. “We should get back to our seats.”

“We should,” Liam agreed, and I took that as the opportunity to look away.

I saw the other 5 boys looking at us. “Good luck boys,” I told them, letting them leave. “I’ll see you soon,” I promised, watching as the boy band walked away. It was just Ed and I now.

“So,” I turned to Ed. “Good-”

“What was that about?” he cut me off, and I didn’t miss the smirk on his face.

I decided to take a lesson from Rachel in The Wrong Guy. “What?”

The ginger just laughed and shook his head with fervent. “You and Liam eye-fucking”

I choked on my spit. Excuse me? We may have been slightly flirting, I’ll admit that, but eye-fucking? No thank you. “I don’t know what you’re speaking of.”

“Don’t pull that shit,” he said with the most serious look on his face. He looked rather fatherly. “You’ll end up dry-humping by the end of summer.”

“You’re ridiculous.,” I shook my head at him.

“Am I, love?” He questioned. “The boys are here until September 15th for promotional work. I bet you won’t last until they go back without getting at least semi-naked for that boy.”

“I have self-control, Ed.”

My fellow nominee just scoffed. “You’ve got hormones and he’s got charm.”

“You know what?” I snapped back, a bit angry that he was assuming things about me. “I take your bet.”

“Fine. Winner has to-” Ed began, but I cut him off.

“Winner has to publically announce their loss to the world.”

“Through video,” he continued.

I thought for a moment. “And they have to say they lost.”

“How?” Ed asked.

“I’ll say I can’t control my hormones,” I began, trying to come up with a good losing thing for Ed to come up with.

“And I’ll say that you have self-control,” he tried to add.

His consequence didn’t sound that bad, so I added, “And that you have snap-judgment.”



I laughed at my ginger buddy. “You’re going down, Sheeran.”

“You’re going down,“ he started, but quickly added, “on Liam.”

“Bring it.”

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