Allergic to Affection

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I recently found out that Sherlock is allergic to affection. Mycroft has planned out something for us to find out how Sherlock feels towards me. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I walked out of his office feeling good about this.

I decided to give myself hope, it does sound cheesy but it is not everyday I like someone. It was up to me to do something about it. Sherlock is someone I feel strongly about, and that wasn't going to change anytime soon. I had competition though, Irene Adler might mess some things up for me. If Sherlock was feeling anything towards me I should make sure Irene didn't erase me out of his mind.

Baker Street

I walked in on a very lovely scene, Irene wearing Sherlock's blue robe, Sherlock sitting in his chair and John on the laptop. "Pictures, information I might find useful" Irene was saying. "Ema, please join us your old lover is here" I heard Sherlock say not even looking towards the door. I cleared my throat "Hey guys, Irene...good to see you're alive" I commented. "You knew I was alive" Irene said smirking at me.

"Hmm yes of course I knew, not the first time you fake your own death" I said smirking back at her. She stayed silent, I walked over to Sherlock, and kissed his cheek. "Hey, you okay? Want me to make you some tea?" I asked while he looked at me in disbelief. Also, receiving a surprised look from John.

"Uhm no, sit down Ema I'm fine" Sherlock said, nervous for the first time in his life. I looked over at Irene and cocked an eyebrow she was watching me like a hawk. I went over to the chair next to him and crossed my legs taking a cigarette out of the box and lighting it.

"So, what are we talking about?" I asked watching Sherlock stand up and walking over to me, taking my cigarette and throwing it in the ashtray next to me. "You are not supposed to be smoking Ema, give me the pack" He said calmly as he extended his hand towards me waiting patiently, treating me like a gentleman, so far.

I handed over my pack and rolled my eyes at him "Fine take it, I don't want to upset you today" I said in the sweetest way I could manage. He frowned looking at me confused but let it go.

"So, you keep them on the phone for blackmail?" John asked clearing his throat and carrying out with the conversation. "For protection....I make my way in the world, I misbehave I like to know people will be on my side when I need them to be" Irene said looking at Sherlock intensely when saying I misbehave. How irritating.

"How do you acquire this information?" Sherlock asked not bothered by her. "I told you I misbehave" She said. Ugh, I walked up to the kitchen not wanting to hear any of that. I started making tea and thinking of how Sherlock has reacted to me kissing him on the cheek. He was shocked, but he didn't stop me.

Oh well, he hasn't seen anything yet. I waited in the kitchen for the kettle to boil but then decided to change my clothes. I walked over to the bedroom and grabbed Sherlock's buttoned down shirt. I put it over me, and sat down on the dresser fixing my face with a little bit of make up.

I walked back to the kitchen, and grabbed my cup of tea making my way to the living room again. Sherlock glanced at me not commenting, he was sitting down and Irene by his side.

"What can you do Mr.Holmes? Go on, impress the girl" She said leaning down to his face, kissing his cheek, where I kissed him.

Oh that bitch, is asking for it. If only I could shoot her. I stood up "Do you mind, Irene? You're not only wearing my boyfriend's robe but also kissing MY MAN" I said pointing a gun at her "I'm going to ask you to behave yourself sweetheart" I didn't have to fake my jealousy because it was there.

Sherlock's eyes were widened and he probably didn't know what I was doing. "Your boyfriend? Interesting he never mentioned that" Irene said facing me now. "Our relationship is a secret, people could use him to blackmail me, and vice versa" I said standing my ground. If Sherlock was intimidated by this bitch, I wasn't at all.

"Well, I didn't know that...I always thought if you had love on your mind you'd pick me" She commented clearly coming on to me. I pouted "So sorry Miss Adler, I don't like to share, and knowing you it would be hard for you to commit as you were saying earlier, you misbehave.

I'd want someone loyal, and honest like Sherlock" I said walking over to Sherlock, placing my two hands on his shoulder, I kissed my index finger and middle finger then placed them on Sherlock's lips, still looking at Irene. Sherlock didn't move.

The two men were watching us intensely, the atmosphere was heavy and if we were in a cartoon you'd see lighting sparking between me and Irene.

John cleared his throat, and Sherlock did at the same time

"There's a margin for error but I'm pretty sure there's a Seven Forty-Seven leaving Heathrow tomorrow at six thirty in the evening for Baltimore. Apparently it's going to save the world. Not sure how that can be true but give me a moment; I've only been on the case for eight seconds...Oh, come on. It's not code.

These are seat allocations on a passenger jet. Look ... There's no letter 'I' because it can be mistaken for a '1'; no letters past 'K' – the width of the plane is the limit. The numbers always appear randomly and not in sequence but the letters have little runs of sequence all over the place – families and couples sitting together. Only a Jumbo is wide enough to need the letter 'K' or rows past fifty-five, which is why there's always an upstairs. There's a row thirteen, which eliminates the more superstitious airlines. Then there's the style of the flight number – zero zero seven – that eliminates a few more; and assuming a British point of origin, which would be logical considering the original source of the information and assuming from the increased pressure on you lately that the crisis is imminent, the only flight that matches all the criteria and departs within the week is the six thirty to Baltimore tomorrow evening from Heathrow Airport....Please don't feel obliged to tell me that was remarkable or amazing. John's expressed the same thought in every possible variant available to the English language..."

"I would have you right here on this desk until you begged for mercy twice" Irene said leaning over to Sherlock, ignoring me completely. Such a disrespectful bitch. But I didn't say anything, I didn't have to.

"John, please can you check those flight schedules; see if I'm right?" He continued. John stuttered "Uh-huh. I'm on it, yeah" "I've never begged for mercy in my life" Sherlock said completely rejecting Irene's offer while I smirked. She didn't back down "Twice"

John typed something on his laptop and then said "Uh, yeah, you're right. Uh, flight double oh seven" Sherlock looked at him surprised "What did you say?" "You're right" "No, no, no, after that. What did you say after that?"

"Double oh seven. Flight double oh seven" Sherlock started mumbling to himself "Double oh seven, double oh seven, double oh seven, double oh seven ..." He pushed Irene out of the way and started pacing. "... something ... something connected to double oh seven ... What?..... Double oh seven, double oh seven, what, what, something, what?"

I got a text on my phone from Mycroft, I went out and had an intense conversation with him. He let things go which means...He's in trouble, with Jim. That sly bastard. But I won't let it go out of hand. I'll do anything to keep the situation under control.

I went back in Sherlock eyeing me, I quickly grabbed my backpack "I'll be back! Something came up" I said heading out of the door and drove of to Mycroft. At this time he needed me more than anything.

Mycroft's Office

"Okay, Mycroft how did this happen? I'm sorry I still don't get it" I said sitting down while Mycroft poured me a glass of brandy. We were allowed to drink, because Mycroft is stressed out. "Sherlock deciphered a code I presume to Miss Adler?" Mycroft asked knowing the answer. "Yes, what does the code mean?" I asked taking a sip of my brandy and handing Mycroft a cigar. (I bought a box of cubans on the way here).

"Irene Adler deciphered a code that she stole from a Ministry of Defence, known as the MoD...Jim is in contact with Irene, she's working with him, he texted me that he's aware of the MoD plot to fool the terrorist cell that was attempting to sabotage the flight!" "Oh my god, Irene fooled Sherlock, she used him for Jim's sake, my god what a bitch! Ugh and Sherlock is so stupid, All he cared about was to impress her...HES SUCH A SHOW OFF!"

I watched Mycroft hold his head in despair, his head aching and stress overwhelming him. "Mycroft, it's not over yet. We can do something I'm sure we can!" I said trying to calm him down but honestly, I was not calm myself. "Actually there is one thing we can do..." Mycroft said however still nervous about everything.

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