Chapter 18

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Storm clouds rolled slowly across the already dark sky, like a bruise blossoming on the horizon, as a gentle boom of thunder echoed across the ocean. Though the rain hadn't started to fall yet the air was thick and heavy with the threat of it. Angry waves thrashed the shore as David sped off the pier, along the boardwalk and onto the sand with the unconscious Star clasped carefully against his chest. He steered his bike expertly with one hand, knowing every dip and dune of the beach as he wound his way through little clusters of holidaymakers who were settling down to drink and dance the night away in front of camp fires that had already begun to blaze in places. Snatches of various songs whipped past his ears as he opened the throttle a little more, feeling Star's rasping, laboured breaths against his chest.

'-I know what you want, I know what you need, better than you do-'

'...cry little sister...'

'-I feel good tonight, and everything's gonna be right right right!-'

David had always enjoyed the twisting, winding climb up to the Bluff, the threat of careening off a ledge at any moment was appealing to one who had imagined his death in so many ways for so long. This time, however, the thought that he might slide down the cliff face and onto the rocks below made him nervous. Star was counting on him. She was dying in his arms. David knew that sound of a death rattle all too well and he could feel the warmth of her life ebbing away like the tide. Every inch of his well-muscled form was tense with fury because this whole plan had been his idea, it was his fault – though he hadn't given the order for it to go ahead, that was something he would have to explore later. If Star didn't make it, he would never forgive himself. David swore he wouldn't live long enough to even try.

'Give her to me,' Dwayne demanded, dumping his bike beside David's as they cut their engines at the same time.

'You should be with Marko and Paul,' David said, glad the worry he felt hadn't affected his usual tone.

'They've got it, let me take her.' He took Star from David's arms and swiftly descended the stairs into the lobby area.

'Lay her on the bed, I'll check her over but I'm already certain her ribs are broken and something's ruptured inside.' David moved like a hummingbird around the cave, lighting the stumps of candles with the Zippo from his pocket as Dwayne shifted the curtain and laid the un-protesting form of his sister upon the coverlet, where she barely twitched. Dwayne tucked his long dark hair behind his ear and hovered close to Star's mouth to check her breathing. Her breaths were shallow and rattling.

David took the jacket that covered Star and tossed it to the side, his gloved hands running lightly over her ribs. In the soft candlelight the cuts, bites and bruises that marked her otherwise perfect skin were horrific, but David's expression was stoic. Only his usually ice-cold eyes showed revulsion. What kind of creatures were they, to be able to do this? What kind of a monster was he to even think this innocent girl should have been used as bait in a plot he hadn't even thought through properly? Dwayne turned away, sickened at the sight.

'I should have ripped that fucker apart. Why did you have to destroy him first?' he complained, growling. David reached for one of Star's thin shawls that lay discarded on the bed and draped it over her bare breasts.

'He's gone, don't dwell on it. It's not going to help.'

'What can we do?' Dwayne asked, his dark eyes pained. Star moaned, the first sound she had made in what seemed like forever, and mumbled something that neither of them caught. They leant closer, David's hand resting lightly on the top of her head as he frowned.

'Star?' he called, gently. She moaned again, a sound that turned into an agonised cry and then a choked cough. Dwayne bounced on his heels, dragging his hands through his hair in helplessness as he noticed the bluish tinge of Star's skin creeping and deepening.

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