Chapter 15

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'Where's David?' Star mumbled sleepily as she languidly stretched and yawned. The last waking memory she had was of him laying her gently on the bed, surrounded by gauzy drapes and flickering candles in the little alcove just to the side of the main room. A small, almost satisfied smile touched her lips as she remembered the light sweep of his hand brushing a loose tendril of her hair from her forehead before his comforting solidity settled at her side and she drifted deeper into sleep.

                'Out again,' Paul shrugged, the splayed fingers he'd used to softly shake her awake fell from Star's hip and he straightened up to take a drag of the cigarette he still clasped loosely in his other hand. He grinned, his eyes bright. 'Getting laid no doubt, knowing him. He's not one for laying around doing nothing, girl.'

                Star frowned at that and stretched again, slipping off the bed. 'Why did you wake me up?' she complained, longing to curl up again and re-examine the memory of David lying beside her, though Paul's comment had raised her heckles somewhat.

                'It's time.' He simply said, eyes dark as he took one last lingering toke of his cigarette before flicking it to the floor and crushing the butt beneath the heel of his boot. Star watched the thin blue-grey tendrils of smoke trickling from between Paul's lips as he exhaled, as the blood drained from her face in a cold rush and her stomach knotted instantly at his words. Suddenly it didn't seem like this was a good idea after all.

                'Niko?' she asked in a small voice, playing for time rather than really seeking clarification. Paul jerked his head in affirmation, his teased blonde hair bobbing with the motion. Even speaking his name sent a shiver of terror through Star's ice-cold veins.

                'It's now or never, sweet cheeks. Except, there is no never so I guess it's gotta be now, right? Let's get these wheels in motion, huh! Let's go to war. Alright!' Paul's enthusiasm was not catching. It was easy for him to be so buoyant because he wasn't the one being used as live bait.

                'Shouldn't we wait for David?' she asked, tugging her long skirt straight, the silver sparkles that dotted the thin material reflecting the candlelight and bouncing off the cheap bangles at her wrists. Star felt a bewildering vulnerability without David, seeing as this had been his idea. How could he not be here to see it through?

                'Nah, don't sweat it. He'll catch us up just as soon as he done banging her brains out I'm sure.' Paul tried to reassure her, finding himself knocked to the side as Star barged straight past him at that and headed up the twisted iron staircase. 'Right on, girl, let's do this!' he crowed, punching the air as he mistook Star's furious stampede for eagerness. He didn't see her wipe the tears from her eyes as she climbed up to the surface, but Marko, who was leaning on the far side of the room with his arms folded and a sullen look on his round face did.

                'Dwayne's bike is gone too,' Star noted, already waiting astride Marko's motorcycle as Paul flipped himself easily over the rail and landed catlike on his feet beside her.

                'Yeah, probably tag team!' he bit his lip provocatively and dry humped the nearest part of the rocky wall with a laugh. Marko smiled a little, almost sheepishly, as he noticed Star had claimed the back of his bike. If she had to do this without David and her brother, it would seem she thought Marko was the next best thing. His light blue eyes flickered down briefly as he jammed in the key and revved the engine.

                'Oh I see how it is, sweet cheeks. Ya stiffed me! Catch ya on the flip-flop, man!' Paul yelled good-naturedly, snapping a smart salute at Marko and blowing a kiss to Star as he hopped on his own bike and roared dangerously around them to overtake. A trail of dust and crumbling rock kicked up behind him.

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