Chapter 11

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David's foot booted Niko in the face, causing the Italian's nose to explode with a crack. The warm blood splattered Star's cheek as she crouched on the dock, her hands wrapped around her throat in an effort to shield her neck from Niko's razor-like teeth. She felt his hands leaving her as Niko fell backwards and clutched his face with a cry.

                'I said,' growled David. 'She is mine. Get your hands off her.' Niko raged with pain, the blood flowing from between his fingers and dripping steadily down his front as Star crawled to David's feet to get away from him. He stepped in front of her, reaching down to grab the front of Niko's shirt.

                'Santa Carla is ours, amico mia, mine and yours. This girl belongs to us all.' Niko pushed himself up to his feet and stood head to head with David, his bloody shirt still clutched in David's hand.

                'It's mine,' David intoned menacingly. 'This city is mine and everything in it is mine. I will not let you destroy what belongs to me.' Star couldn't see how flat and dark David's eyes had become, how his strong jaw began to change and his teeth lengthened, but she could feel the fury coming off him in cold waves. Gathering herself together she managed to find her feet again, though her hands were shaking as she stepped back.

                'Get on my bike, Star,' David said without even looking back. Star moved quickly, grabbing up her bag first and then reaching around David's legs to pick up Tozier's blade. She soon pulled back her hand as a kick from David's heavy black boot sent the knife sailing clear across the pier and into the calm sea below with a barely audible splash. 'Don't touch that,' David barked at her. 'I said get on the bike, we're leaving.' The girl scrabbled back and hurried to the motorcycle that gleamed silver and black in the moonlight. Pushing the tangled hair from her frightened, weary eyes, Star watched as Niko brought his hands up to try and loosen David's grip on his bloody shirt.

                'What are you going to do with me?' he asked quietly though Star, being just a few feet away, heard every word. Niko's voice still had that cool, confident accent and was unconcerned, mocking almost. 'Max will hear of this, my father will tell him. You know Franco will not tolerate such treatment of his beloved son. This could even mean war between our houses, if I want it to.' He began to laugh, watching some kind of emotion flicker across David's face no doubt. It was a quiet, gentle sound that rose to a deep roll of utter amusement. 'I would advise that you choose your next move very, very carefully.'

Star, sitting on the bike behind, could only see how David's fist clenched even harder, as though he wanted nothing more than to crush that handful of fabric to dust. But then David's other fist came up and he punched Niko away from him, forcefully shoving him backwards so the other man stumbled. Niko laughed again and peered around David, glaring with black want at Star.

'This isn't over, bella. Believe me, it isn't over. I will not rest until I have your blood upon my lips.' He lifted a hand and blew a flirty air kiss in Star's direction, causing David to roar and lunge at the figure that retreated almost too quickly for Star to see. The girl shuffled backwards on the leather seat, clutching at her bag and making room for David as he stomped over and straddled the bike with a long, graceful movement, despite the thunder on his face.

His nostrils flared as he turned to her and Star could see his eyes dilate, even in the dark. His features had returned to their normal striking broodiness, but there was still something edgy about him.

'Did he bite you?' David demanded. Star suddenly remembered the blood that had splattered her cheek from Niko's broken nose.

'No,' she said, raising a hand to her face to wipe at the blood and lifting her wet fingers to eye level to inspect it. 'Hey!' she cried in surprise as David suddenly slapped her hand away.

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