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Lynnon's POV

Have you ever had one of the best meals you have ever tasted in your life? Well, I did last night. I made this chicken penne pasta with broccoli and bacon, and the leftovers are all I could seem to think about since I woke up. I've been out all morning, first showing Nathan this great location I came across that would be perfect for his new film, then he, Andrew, and I met up to go over my business plan.

The three of us have bonded over the last four years working together on each other's projects, which has mostly just been them bringing me onto whatever they were filming, but our friendship and working relationships has grown tremendously. Since they started a production company together two years ago, the two of them were the first people I thought to go to for advice and guidance when I started having ideas about starting my own photography company.

"I'm about to crush the rest of this pasta," I sing-song as I walk inside through the garage door. As I walk past the hall that leads towards our room, I can hear Tori laughing and talking on the phone, so I continue to make my way into the kitchen, deciding that I'll speak to her in a bit.

Opening the fridge, my eyes immediately look to the spot where I know I put the Tupperware container, but for some reason it isn't where I left it. I close the fridge, thinking that maybe I'm looking for it too hard, then I open it again. I repeat the process two more times when I still don't see the pasta I've been thinking about all day sitting there next to the five cans of Canada Dry. I take in a few deep breaths after moving things around because I don't want to believe that Tori would eat my leftovers, especially after I let her know last night that I wanted them for lunch today.

"Tori!" I yell in a pitch much higher than my normal voice because this is urgent and serious. "Victoria!"


"Come here! I'm in the kitchen!" With my arms crossed, I wait for her to come into the kitchen, praying that she didn't eat my food.

Tori finally leisurely strolls into the kitchen, "Yes, babe?"

"I can't find the leftover pasta from last night. Did you move it?"

"No," she shakes her head, "I ate it."

"You ate my food," I ask in disbelief. Tori hums and nods causing my jaw to hit the floor as she just stares at me like she didn't just betray me. "Why would you do that to me?"

Tori chuckles as she begins to smirk at me and that's when I go from being hurt to angry. "Lyn–"

"No, Tori! Why would you do me like this? All morning...all damn morning I have been thinking about eating this pasta and I even asked you if you would want it, Tori. I stood here and I opened that fridge four times, four times! Do you know what it's like to have your mouth set for something, then you come home and realize that the other greedy person that you share your life with ate it?!"

Tori crosses her arms as she narrows her eyes, "Yes, I do know how it is actually."

"Oh, really," I ask as I let my eyes pierce through her gaze.

"You're always eating my last ice cream bar, Lynnon!" My face scrunches up into a confused expression as I try to pretend like I don't know what she's talking about. Tori rolls her eyes before taking a step closer to me, "Don't stand there and act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Every time I buy a new box you never touch it, ever, then once I'm down to my last one, here you come. And you could at least throw the box away, like what's the point of leaving an empty box in the freezer? Huh, Lynnon? Teasing me, having me thinking that the last one is still in there, but now you see how it feels."

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