Chapter 18

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Tori's POV

"Miss it!" I chase after Lynnon as she runs up to the hoop and tosses the ball into the basket. She turns around and smiles at me smugly before picking the ball up, tossing it over to Hendrix. For the remainder of the time I spend shooting around with them I just bother Lynnon by yelling random things at her. Honestly, I had to do something to distract myself from drooling over the fact that Lynnon is running around all hot and sweaty.

"Pass it! Babe, hey, I'm open! I got it!" I jump up and down a few feet away from the hoop, waving my arms in the air to grab her attention.

"Omg, we aren't even on teams," she chuckles and passes the ball towards my head.

I catch the ball just in time and I shoot it once my heart calms down from almost being beamed in the face with a basketball. The ball swooshes through the neat and I throw my hands up. I high-five Hendrix when he walks up to me with his palm raised then I feel a sharp slap on my butt. I jump, squealing at the surprise sensation and my hand quickly flies to rub at the stinging spot.

"Nice shot, Tor!" Lynnon grabs my waist, pulling me close to place a chaste kiss on my lips before she runs off to grab the ball.

I stand there with my hand planted firmly on my left butt cheek as I'm left in a state of flustered shock. I can feel my cheeks getting hot and I know it's not from the temperature outside.

"You alright there, Tori? You look a little hot and bothered," Hendrix teases. "Let me find out you like to be spanked." A playful grin forms on his lips as suggestively wiggles his eyebrows.

I gasp and shove him in the shoulder. An obnoxious laugh flies out of his mouth and I decide to take a break, so I walk over to where Kamari is sitting on a picnic table in the shade.

"Tori, you can't leave once you start getting hot," Lynnon says, holding the ball against her hip.

I know deep down that she's referring to me getting into a groove with making my shots, but that is not where my head is at all. If only she knew just how hot I was actually getting. "Um, I just...water break." She accepts my excuse then she and Hendrix start to play a game of one on one. She ends up making a three right in his face and I cheer her on proudly from my spot next to Kamari. She looks over at me with a half-smile and winks, which definitely did not help my situation. Once she turns away, I throw my head back, letting out a long, frustrated groan.

"What," Kamari asks, eyeing me. "All she did was wink at you."

"Exactly and that's the problem, Kamari," I almost shout, but I catch myself. "Everything she does is just so sexy and it's torture. Plus, her running around with her sports bra on all sweaty is not helping. I had no idea I found athleticism so attractive."

Kamari pulls her lips into her mouth and I know she wants to laugh at me. "I thought being attracted to the person you're dating is a good thing. I don't understand you sometimes."

"No, it is. I just," I pause, releasing a heavy sigh as I try to gain the courage to open up to Kamari, "I'm going to tell you something, but you have to promise not to judge me or anything."

"Tori, please," she replies pointedly.

"Okay, so lately I've been feeling like I'm ready to go all the way...with Lynnon."

Kamari stares at me expectantly, but when it finally hits her that that's all I wanted to say, her face does not fail at showing how shocked she is. "OH MY–SHUT UP! ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

I quickly throw my hands over her mouth to shut her up. I look over at the siblings and they've paused their game to stare at us quizzically. I chuckle lightly as I wave them off and they both gladly go back to playing their game. I turn back to Kamari, staring at her in disbelief, and I can feel her mumble "sorry" against my palm.

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