Chapter 35

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Lynnon's POV

I groan as I call Kamari again. "Answer your damn phone," I say as I bring my phone up to my ear and I listen to it ring.

It's been maybe an hour since everything has gone down in the elevator and I'm sitting at the one place I know I shouldn't be. After I came back down stairs and was able to get my flight straightened out, I couldn't stop my legs from taking me to the bar.

I've had such an emotional day and I was craving a drink so badly that it seemed that I could smell alcohol in the air. I haven't felt this tempted to drink in a long time and I'm nervous that I won't be able to fight it off.

I glance around as I wait for Kamari to answer and there aren't many patrons here yet, just a few people scattered along. I guess it is still a bit early, but I'm sure this place will be packed in a couple of hours.

"Hey, baby cuz!"

I heave a small sigh of relief, at least I think it's one of relief. I honestly don't know why I decided to call Kamari especially knowing where I'm sitting at right now, but I just needed to talk to someone. "Hey."

"What's up? How's Jamaica treating you? Let me guess, you're calling because you've found me the perfect man?" Kamari giggles childishly and it almost makes me smile...almost.

"It's over," I say as my eyes find the bowl of nuts to focus on in hopes to keep my tears at bay.

"What is? I'm not really following you. Don't you have like four more days left?"

"Not anymore."

"Stop being cryptic and tell me what's going on, Lynnon," Kamari says, her voice growing stern.

"Tori," I clarify, "It's over." Just saying that Tori and I are over feels like a punch to my heart. I really don't want for us to be over honestly, but what can I do at this point? She doesn't want to try anymore right now.

"Oh, Lyn," Kamari sighs faintly, "Where are you right now?"

I sit up a bit straighter and I should've known she would ask. "I don't think you want me to answer that question, Mari," I say trying to avoid lying to her.

"Lynnon, where are you?"

I can hear the worried and panicked seriousness in her voice and I instantly feel bad. I don't want to put her through worrying about me, especially with her being all the way home, but I also don't want to lie to her.

I hesitate with answering her question as I look around at my surroundings and I lightly sigh, "At the bar. I've been sitting here for the past twenty minutes."

"Lyn, c'mon...just go back to your room, okay?"

I shake my head glumly. "I can't, Mari. Tori is probably in there and I don't–I can't be around her right now." I cover my eyes with my hand as a fresh set of tears finally breaks free down my cheeks, "It hurts, Kamari. It hurts so fucking much and I-I...All I want is a fucking drink."

"Lyn, don't do this. Think about how well you've been doing–"

"Everything is so messed up, Kamari," I cry out, my fingers tangling into my hair. "I don't want to think about it anymore. I don't want to feel how badly this fucking hurts anymore, Mari."

"This isn't the way though, Lyn. Drinking is not going to make the pain go away."

"It will for tonight," I say.

"What about tomorrow night or any night after that? You have been so strong and every day you have made the decision to not go down this road again. This is just one more day. This is just one more battle, Lyn."

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