our hime! - karasuno

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silently walking with the third year manager, she stopped, causing the smaller girl to stop in her tracks.

“is everything okay, kiyoko-san?” she asked, her (e/c) orbs glowing as if it's magical.

“ah, nothing's wrong. just need to check something.” she stated as she searched through two bags.

as the (h/c)-haired girl silently waited, until a rather slow figure started approaching them.

he had chocolate brown orbs, and silky brown hair. a smirk slowly made its way to his face as the small girl tugged on the manager's sleeves.

“k-kiyoko-san.” her (e/c) eyes glowed in terror, her feet starting to tremble.

oh how everyone knew (f/n) was easily scared of people. she hated crowded places (she'd even tag along with tsukishima if the team would wander off somewhere) and stayed in the corners.

“(f/n)-san, are you–”

the beautiful manager was caught off by that brunette. “what are two beautiful ladies doing here, alone?” the brunette raised an eyebrow, his smirk still present on his face.

due to kiyoko holding two bags, she couldn't shield her small friend, who started trembling as tears started forming in her eyes.

then, flash!

a wild nishinoya and tanaka stepped infront of the two ladies, protecting them.

“oi! back off, these are our princesses!” tanaka hissed.

“yeah! get away from our princesses!” nishinoya yelled as well.

yours? like you two even know how to protect them” the brunette chuckled darkly.

“oh, it's not just us.” as if in one cue, the whole team walked behind the two girls.

“please back off, oikawa-san.” a raven-haired setter glared darkly at the brunette.

“sorry oikawa-san. tanaka and nishinoya is right. these are our princesses, indeed.” sugawara smiled sweetly, bitterness visible in the sentence he had said.

“i actually agree with the two second years for once.” tsukishima spoke, a smirk visible on his face.

“t-thank you guys.” you mumbled, looking back at the team.

“no problem (f/n)-chan, kiyoko-san. now, shoo!” hinata yelled.

“thank you.” kiyoko mumbled.

“anything for our princesses!” they all yelled.


shoo oikawa go back to the trashcan where you belong..

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