I had no idea how long I had been laying in my bed, thinking, but it must have been for quite a while because I heard how the front door opened and my friends entered the apartment. I hoped that they wouldn't notice me being here because I really wanted to be in peace but I spoke too soon because they ended up finding out I was here.

" – Loyce always keeps it in her room, I'll just take it - Woah Loyce? What are you doing here?" I heard Juliana ask me, the voice sounding surprised from seeing me home so soon.

"Get out of my room," I replied to her, my voice coming out muffled because I spoke through the pillow that was still on my face.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Justin?" Juliana asked next, her voice sounding very close to me and before I knew it she had removed the pillow from my face so that she could see my face.

I took the pillow from her hands and put it on my face again because I didn't want her to see me like that, after I said "Not anymore."

It was quiet for a few seconds and I thought that she had left the room but then she spoke up again and I knew that she was still here "are you alright?"

No, is what I wanted to say but I didn't want her to be worried about me right now. Besides she had someone here and I didn't her to leave Melyssa because I had a problem right now. We could just talk about it later. "I will be," was my answer instead. "Could you please just leave me alone for a moment?" I didn't want to be rude and just get rid of her, it was just that I needed some time on my own. I was going to let her know what was up anyways.

"Of course," Juliana replied without hesitation. "If you need anything, I'm in the living room," she let me know and then she pushed the pillow away from my face a little and placed a kiss on top of my head before she turned around and left my bedroom.

I stayed in my bed in silence for another 30 minutes or so and then I decided to get up, take a shower and join the girls in the living-room. Staying in bed all day wasn't going to change the situation I was in and having a little company wasn't that bad after all, right?


The next day, after classes were over, I stood in front of the class room and waited for Juliana to come pick me up so we could go to Amir's place to hang out altogether. Juliana was of course running late like always and that made me wonder why the hell I was always the one that always had to wait to be picked up because I always had to wait for the longest time.

I was always patient and never complained because even if I did, nothing was going to change but today I was in a very bad mood and my patience was running thin so I hoped that Juliana was gonna be here soon so we could finally leave.

To kill time I was playing some dumb games that I had never deleted from my phone until I noticed a person next to me and I thought that it was Juliana first but when I looked up from my phone it wasn't her. I was looking into the blue eyes of a blonde girl for a moment until I noticed that it was THAT girl from yesterday.

She was just staring at me and said no word and I didn't say anything either but the more I looked at ther, the more I was getting pissed off because she was the reason why I was in this mood and if she didn't disappear in 2 seconds, we were most likely going to have a problem.

"Can I help you," I asked her in a pissed off tone after no words were coming out of her still.

"Yes, you can help me by staying away from Justin," she replied back, sounding hella bitchy with her ugly voice that already annoyed me.

I raised my eyebrow and looked her up and down before I then said "Excuse me?" I heard her completely right but I couldn't believe that she would just come at me sideways like that and demand this from me. Had she lost her mind?

Bad For Me | Justin Bieber {BWWM}Where stories live. Discover now