Chapter 10

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"What??......what's going on??......."

y/n's P.O.V

Shura gets the others and leaves me alone to talk with Rin and Yotaka about what is happening but before Rin can start talking Yotaka starts. "y/n you need to sit down as will come as a shock to you" "o-ok" "well first what do you remember from last night??" 

"i remember that i went for a walk with Kazue then we got attacked by large swarms of demons and some of them grabbed Kazue and i remember shouting then everything went white a short time later i saw a patch of blue and another patch of purple both in the shape of people as the white light had caused everything to go blurry and after a while everything went dark" "ok um well when things went white for you it was because you kinda 'unlocked' your powers" "WHAT?!? what do you mean 'unlocked' my powers!" Rin takes over talking "what Yotaka means is that you are part angel and when you were attacked you wanted something strong enough to kill all those demons quickly it caused it to kick in but because you have another ability that was also trying to take control your body started fighting its self as your angel abilities were trying to do two things at once you were overwhelmed you passed out" "then what were the two colored figures then? and what is my other ability?" "the blue figure was me and the purple figure was Yotaka and i was told by Mephisto not to tell you abut it till you discovered them yourself" "i knew that you guys are part demon but why were your figures colored?" 

"WAIT WHEN DID YOU FIND OUT THAT WE ARE DEMONS!?!" "i told her, in class a while ago" Yotaka told Rin before i could answer him myself "and you were not bothered with that?"Rin asked me "why would i, but to be honest at first i was wondering why Mephisto put me in your dorm if you are all part demon but i guess my answer has been answered now*chuckles* anyway why were your figures colored?" "well uh *Rin rubs the back of his neck and avoids eye contact* when we use our demon abilities we have colored flames which we control thats why our figures were colored" "wait so if your flames are blue doesn't that mean you are Satan's kid?! including Yukio because he is your twin?!" i am surprised that Yotaka did not tell me this "yes....i am but i am the only one who inherited the demon abilities and fire" "why is that?" "because his body was not strong enough when we were still developing in our mothers womb" "oh" "wait, you now know who i really am but you don't seem phased about it,why" "well i trust you and i have known you for a bit and you helped me fight off those demons but to be really honest i was surprised and i don't have a reason to be scared of you" "thanks y/n".

the next 3 days were crazy Yukio, Rin and Yotaka helped me understand my angelic abilities and how to control them taking in the fact that they didn't really know what my abilities are like and noticing it is similar to demonic abilities it's just a bit more stronger and more easier to control and understand and i have learnt that with my angelic powers i can summon wings and i have learnt how to use them and how to fly (thanks to Yotaka) and i got to see Rin and Yotaka's demon forms look like (Yotaka was not keen at first but Rin and i bribed her in to it ;p).

Today we are back at the dorms and Kazue and i were in our room as i was on my phone playing games as Kazue slept but that was soon interrupted as Yukio needed my help with somethin as Rin and Yotaka were too busy. Yukio and i soon got back as he wanted some one to talk to as he needed to get some herbs and medication from Shiemi's place. when Yukio and I we walked past the room Yotaka and Rin were in hearing them yelling at the T.V screen as they are playing video games.

A/N - Aaaaaaaand it's done. this chapter took ages to write because i didn't know what to write and how to put the words but any way it is now done and i apologize if there are any errors ~ total words-760

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