Chapter 8

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(don't play music till i tell you too please @ 1:07)

(next day @ 1:30 pm)

(y/n) P.O.V.

as everyone set out in two groups for our mission and went to where they needed to go. i telepathically talk with Kazue about our past to try to get to know each other better while Yukio reminds the class on what we need to do, which i didn't listen meaning i have no clue on what is happening around me.

after the conversation between Kazue and myself, i walk up to Yukio's side and ask him what are we doing, resulting me getting a frown from him as he just explained it. "(y/n) did you hear me when i explained it?" "n-no, i wasn't paying attention"

Yukio's P.O.V

just as i just finished reminding the group of what the plan was (y/n) came up to my side as she and Kazue were right behind me. (y/n) asked me what we are doing and i give her a 'seriously i just explained it' frown and i ask her " (y/n) did you hear me when i explained it?" she admitted to me that she wasn't paying attention. i sigh and explain to her what the plan is.

when we arrived at the destination where the mission is set at and we got into position and did what we needed to do

(i am sorry but i have no idea on what do make the mission to be so just use your own imagination on what you are doing ok)

after we head back to camp (y/n) comes up to me and asks if she can go exploring again and take Kazue with her and if anything happens Kazue will telepathically call out for help. I let her go as this time she has someone with her in case anything happens.

(y/n) P.O.V

i am a very surprised that Yukio allowed me to go despite on what happened last time.i thank him and leave before he changes his mind. when Kazue and i got to the same tree as yesterday i climbed up to the branch i was on yesterday and watch all the animals of the forest go about their daily lives as i just take in on how beautiful and peaceful it is, soon enough i notice that Kazue is asleep on my lap as i lean against the tree trunk and fall asleep myself.

(play music now @ 1:07)

i wake up a few hours later due to Kazue poking me in the face with her paw while shouting out at me. i mumble out that i am awake and i slowly open up my eyes and ask her what is wrong and she tells me that Yukio wants us to go back to camp as that it was now dark and the demons will start showing up, crap.

i run back to camp with Kazue flying along behind me, until i tripped and sprained my ankle and got a shallow cut that is deep enough to bleed, wincing in pain i stood up while trying to hide how much my leg really hurts, to make things worse the smell of my blood started to attract different kinds of demons from different goblin species to swarms of chuchi's start to come out of their hiding places and starts attacking me while Kazue tries to hard to fight them all off.

it doesn't take long before i noticed that Kazue was completely overpowered by the demons while she tries desperately to get contact with Yukio, well anyone at the camp and i started to loose my temper as the demons start to over power me as i see Kazue struggling to keep conscious. by now i am really pissed and i let all of my anger out,

"LET HER GOOO!!!!" i shouted/yelled as my body became engulfed in white flames with two angel like wings with black on the tips of each feather, engulfing and killing off the demons thats attacking Kazue enabling her to be able to make contact with Yukio then falling unconscious while all of the demons around us are being eliminated by the flames and it isn't long before 2 other colored flames are seen, blue and a light-ish dark purple. i turn around and see Rin and Yotaka in their demon forms. when all the attacking demon swarms were killed i fell to the ground and passed out and my flames disappears.


Hi (y/n) Faith here, my Awesome friend Anime_Lover898 aka Madi has published one of her books called 'A Demons Wish' and it is in the point of her oc Yotaka, this book of hers is about Yotaka's life at True Cross Academy and has you, the reader in it under the name of Minatsu Maneki. i highly recommend you reading this book along with other books that she has done ;P

(ON HOLD) The Demon With Angel Wings (Yukio Okumura X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя