Chapter 6

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(y/n) P.O.V

As i continue exploring i noticed that i am far from the camp and the sun is starting to set 'have i really been gone that long?' i also notice a large tree in front of me that is easy to climb. after i climb halfway up the tree i spot a small unknown type of demon sleeping in another tree nearby. i stay cautious of it just in case it was dangerous and not wanting it to know that i am there in case it attacks me. when i finally got to the top of the tree i sit on a branch thick enough to support my light weight for a long period of time. 

As i sit on the branch i think about the past events of my life but it isn't long lasting as the small chuchi moth demons start to swarm around me. i try to fight them off while trying not to fall out of the tree and i was getting pretty frustrated with the chuchi's and how they just kept coming then out of nowhere a bright white light was in front of me so bright i had to shield my eyes. after about 3 seconds the light had gone away and so had the small moths but instead there was the small unknown demon from before, well at least i thought it was a demon, sitting down and looking and me.

Yukio's P.O.V

Rin, Yotaka and I have been looking for (y/n) for about 2 hours (according to Rin anyway) we were about to send someone back to camp to get the rest of the group to join in with the search when all three of us noticed a white light high in the trees quite some distance away and just by instinct we all look and ran towards it in hope that (y/n) was there and not in any trouble.

(back at the camp in Shura's P.O.V) 

as i was sitting down while looking after Yukio's class while he and 2 others were out looking for (y/n) the whole group and i noticed a strange white flash among the top of the trees and i instantly stood up while i was looking in that direction when Shima came up to me with the others behind him "uh Miss Kirigakure what was that??" "i dunno kid but i bet four eyes and the others are already on it" 

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