"Feetown State Forest covers over five thousand acres its quite extensive the Director did pick this spot for a reason you know but Jason really its only been two minutes I know you're under a lot pressure am I too but try to relax somewhat a clear head will serve us better in this situation than one full of rage alright yes good."

Jason took a breath. "I'm...trying but...its all...I just can't..." Suddenly he spotted a shape ahead on the road. "Hey! James, look out!"

The car screeched to a halt. Its headlights illuminated the shape. It was a Humvee, blocking the road. Jason gasped, just as the vehicle's rumbled to life, its own headlight switching on like a pair of eyes opening. Its turret swiveled around and opened fire.

Gunfire slammed against The Bullet's front, bouncing off the window, rattling the vehicle. The turret's impact spray left cracks in the windshield but the bullets didn't penetrate. Jason grabbed the door, intending to jump out and charge the Humvee. But before he could, James cried out "Hang on adjust your seatbelt please!"

James gunned the gas and The Bullet shot forward straight on the Humvee, bullets continuing to slam into the little car. Jason winced as they roared toward the Humvee but right before they crashed into it, James swerved. The car shot upward onto the edge of the tree line, slamming through bushes and rushing past the enemy vehicle. James jerked the wheel just before they smashed into a tree and they zoomed back onto the road.

Jason looked back. The Humvee was still shooting at them, gunfire bouncing off the back of the car. The enemy vehicle turned around and began chasing after them, looking like some sort of monster in the darkness. Jason cursed and said, "They're chasing us!"

James didn't even look back, keeping his eyes on the road, the dull impact noises of the turret's gunfire continuing to bounce off The Bullet. Up ahead, the road suddenly diverged in two. James didn't turn until the last possible second before jerking the wheel and speeding down the left path. The movement again threw Jason to the side and he nearly smashed into the gearstick. He pushed himself up, shaking his head.

"Told you to ear you're seatbelt Jason did you know that approximately fifty nine percent of all vehicle related fatalities are caused by not wearing one's seatbelt its true yes so you should really-" James started to babble but Jason raised a hand.

"Not the time!" He yelled. He looked back. Sure enough, he saw the Humvee a ways behind them, still chasing them. "That vehicle is still on our ass!"

"Yes yes yes I'm well aware don't worry we'll deal with him soon enough just got to outspeed him you see no worries no worries at all!" James blurted out quickly, still not glancing away from the road. Jason kept his own eyes on the Humvee. Although they were faster than it and outpacing it by a few yards at least, it was still keeping pace with them, the rattle of turret fire a constant reminder of that.

Suddenly, another path appeared next to their own road. And to Jason's shock, a second Humvee was roaring on that road. The second vehicle's turret aimed down at them and opened fire. Bullets slammed into the room, jostling the car.

The second Humvee twisted and slammed into them. The Bullet was jostled and Jason's thrown about like a toy. The car nearly went careening into the woods but James regained controlled of the vehicle, barely keeping them on the road.

Now they were side by side with the enemy vehicle. The Humvee slammed into them again, James continuing to barely keep control of the car. Bullets slammed into the rear window and Jason caught a glimpse of the first vehicle gaining on them.

"Doesn't this car have any fucking weapons?!" He screamed. James licked his lips and in response, pressed a button on the dashboard.

Immediately, a tire slasher burst from one of The Bullet's wheels. It rammed into the Humvee's front wheel and ripped into it, tearing the tire to shreds. The enemy vehicle lost control, pitching sideways and crashing into the side of the road. Jason caught a glimpse of a man being thrown off the turret.

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