Pretending and Dreams

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Y/n's pov
Dick left and I watched him leave. I held the rose he gave me and smelled it, it smelled beautiful. I blushed and smiled and started running to gather speed to fly.

I made it to Star City and zeta to the mountain. Wally and Artiems were arguing like always, Kaldur was watching tv along with Conner, Megan was looking in here cooking book, and Robin finally showed up he went into the gym.

"Y/n, your finally back!" Megan said as she flew towards me to hug me. "Umm yeah." I said not being able to breath cause Megan was hugging me tight. She noticed and let go, "Where did you go?" Artiems asked as she stopped fighting with Wally. "Nowhere!" I said almost yelling. "Ok. Where did you get that rose?" Artiems said noticing he rose I held, I hurry up and but it behind my back. "What rose?" I said hoping they would believe me. "Never mind" Artiems said as she continue to fight with Wally, I decided to go to the gym to see Robin and get that Dick or Richard boy out of my head.

I went into the gym and I was still smelling the rose and blushing at the thought of him giving it to me. "Hey n/n, where did you get that rose?" He said as he stopped doing his trapeze and went to talk to me. "Someone gave it to me." I said while smiling and blushing. "Oh ok, who is he?" He asked sounding curious on who it was. "Some boy name Richard Grayson but he likes to be called Dick." I said while still smiling and daydreaming about him. "Oh him" he said acting like he knows him.

"Where did you see him?" He asked while trying not to smirk. "At the park, he saw me fall from the sky." I said still not caring what I'm saying. "Oh o- you fell out of the sky!!" He said freaking out that I fell from the sky. "Yeah" I said finally realizing what I just said. "Are you okay?" He asked while checking my arm for any injuries. "Yes bird boy." I said while looking at him while he looked for injuries. "Ok, while I got to go. See you later y/n." He said as he was ready to leave but stopped and turned around and hugged me and kissed my check. " bird ..... boy" I said still shocked on what he just did. He just laughed and said "stay whelm" while smirking and leaving and zeta home.

Where have I heard that before? I thought while holding the check he kissed me and the rose in my other hand. That sounds familiar. I thought while putting the rose down and getting ready to go punch the punching bag.

Robin's pov
Ha hopefully she'll find out that Dick Grayson said that when she meet him. If not I'll have to give her more clues that I'm Dick Grayson. I thought as I zeta to Gotham City.

I rode on my motorcycle (I don't know what's it's called so sorry) back to the mansion. I rode into the batcave to see Bruce aka batman looking up the light on the bat computer. Alfred was probably upstairs making dinner.

"Hi Bruce" I said as I took my Robin mask off to reveal my icy blue eyes. "Hi Dick" Bruce said not taking his eyes off the bat computer. "Can you at least look at me while you talk" I said as I looked at Bruce with a sad look. " I'm sorry Dick, I just need to do research on the light." He said as he finally looked at me. "Ugh ok" I said as I made my way towards the elevator to go upstairs for dinner Bruce came too.

When the elevator stopped we were back in the mansion. Bruce closed the clock door where the batcave is. We went to the dinner table where Alfred already put our dinner out for us.

"Thank you Alfred" Bruce said as he started to eat chicken. "Yeah thanks" I said as I started to eat too. When we finished eating Alfred brought out dessert. Bruce got apple pie with a scoop of ice cream on top, and I got a brownie that's start from the oven with ice cream. "Mmmm" I said as I took a spoonful of the ice cream with the brownie.

We finish eating and Alfred got our plates and went to go wash them. "Dick, are you sure your nightmare are gone?" Bruce asked as he looked at me with concern. "What? Of course they are" I said totally lying about that. "Dick, your a terrible liar." He said as he as he was ready to give me the bat glare. "Fine! I still have them" I said looking down at the floor instead of Bruce. "It's ok Dick I know what it feels like, I really do." He said as he lifted my chin gently for me to look at him. "I know" I said. "You ready to go to bed?" He said as he got up off his chair. "Yeah " I said as o got up as will.

I got dressed into my pajamas, and got in my bed. "Goodnight Dick, hopefully those dream won't come." He said as he turned the light off and close the door. Me too. I thought as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Hey guys!! So how was that? You now have to chose between Dick or Robin (even thought their the same person). Robin or Dick is having nightmares people who know Robin's past you know what it is. I hope you like this chapter if so vote or comment. Bye guys 😘😘 stay fresh!!!

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