The Ball

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Y/n's pov
I woke up in my bed. I looked at my cuts they were stitched up. I then looked around the room and saw Black Canary, it looked like she was getting medicine for me.

"Take this, it will make you feel better." She said as she gave me the medicine. ".......ok" I said as I got it and drank it, it tasted like cherry.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as she took the medicine from me to wash it out. "Confused, how did I get here?" I asked her as she came and sat on a chair to answer my question. "Batman found out the team was gone and called me, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Flash, and Aquaman. We found you guys and saved you." She said. "Oh, where's Robin?" I asked as I wonder where he was. "He left. He wanted to stay but he had to go." She said. "Ok can I get of out this bed now?" I asked as I tried to get up. "Sure." She said as she helped me up. "Thanks" I said as I started walking towards the door. "You can go see the team their waiting in the living room." She said as she watched me left. "Ok" I said as I left to go see the team.

I went into the living to see the whole team waiting for me to get up. Once they saw me they all ran towards me and hugged me. "Y/n your up." Megan said as she hugged me. "Glad your up y/n" Aqualad said as he just patted my back. The rest were saying stuff like "Hope your ok y/n" and "We miss you y/n."

They finally stop hugging me. "Come on y/n let's eat. I made dinner." Megan said as she dragged me towards the kitchen. "No I'm good, I'm going to go out." I said as I still followed Megan. "Oh ok, are you coming back?" Megan asked as she let go of me. "Don't worry I'll be back, and when I do I'll eat he dinner you made." I said. "Ok bye." She said as she gave me a hugged. The rest of the team said bye as I zeta to Star City. Can't believe they bought that, now where is Robin I need to make sure he's ok. I thought as I started to fly to go look for Robin.

Robin or Dick's pov
Bruce finally came home. "Ugh finally your here after a year." I said as I tried and do my bow tie but couldn't get it. "Stop overreacting, let me see that." He said as he did my bow tie. "Thanks Bruce." I said as I studied the bow.

"Your welcome Dick." He said as he took his cowl off revealing Bruce Wayne the millionaire playboy. "How's y/n?" I asked as I waited for him to get ready for the charity ball. "She's alright, you should tell her you like her." He said as he smirked at me. "WHAT!!!! How did you know?" I asked "I'm Batman" he said as he kept smirking. I laughed at what he said "Do I make it that obvious?" I said as I stopped laughing. "Yep even the team knows." He said as he got his tuxedo on, I looked away. "The team knows!! How come they didn't tell me they know." I said as I was thinking about how they found out.

After he got his tuxedo on he was ready we went up stairs. "Are you ready for tonight Master Bruce?" Alfred asked as he opened the door for us. "Yes Alfred, and thank you." Bruce said as he got in the limo and me after him Alfred got in the driver seat and drove us to the charity ball.

"Have fun Master Bruce and Master Dick." Alfred said as he dropped us off and left. I waved to him and Bruce just smiled and said "Ready Dick?" "Yeah let's get this over with." I said as I made my way towards the ball it was outside. Bruce left to go talk to the people here and I went to go wonder around. Not wanting to stay here.

Y/n's pov
Where is he? I'm getting tried I've been to Star City, Central City and Metropolis. Let me try Gotham. I thought as I flew towards Gotham.

I felt dizzy and flew I tried and catch myself by getting the wind by I couldn't. I fell somewhere by the woods lucky the earth is my friend and helped me up. "Oh my god are you ok!?!" I heard someone said as they ran towards me sounding worried.

"Ummm who are you?" I asked as I rubbed my head and tried to look and the figure who asked if I was ok. "I'm Ro- I mean Richard Grayson but I like to be called Dick" he said as he stepped into the light which revealed his black hair which had hair gel in and his icy blue eyes which I could stare at forever. "What's your name?" He asked "I'm y/n" I said as I smiled at him, he reminds me of someone I just don't know who.

Robin or Dick's pov
I can't believe y/n fell from the sky. She got to meet the real me Richard or Dick Grayson. I'm going to use my Dick Grayson charm and she if she'll fall for me.

"So why did you fall from the sky?" I asked as we started waking. "I was looking for someone, I want to make sure he's ok." She said as she rubbed her neck. Was she looking for me or I should say Robin. I thought as we kept walking. "So why are you here?" She asked as she looked at me. "My father I should say is going to a charity ball and I had to go but I don't them." I said "I just feel whelm when I'm there." I said as I brought up my new word I made up which is whelm. "Whelm?" She said as she looked puzzled by that. "People are always underwhelm and overwhelm so why is no one just whelm." I said as I explained it to her and she just giggle.

I heard Bruce calling my name. "Sorry I have to go." I said as I got a rose and gave it to her she blushed. "Here you go ,a rose for you beauty." I said as I smiled as left he blushing red as a tomato and me smirking. "What did you do?" Bruce asked as we waited for Alfred to come and get us. "What do you me- ok I saw y/n and messed with her." I said knowing Bruce would find out eventually. "Wow Dick really." He said as Alfred showed up and we got in the limo.

After we got home I went to my room got out of that tux and into my pajamas. Bruce came in and told me goodnight and ruffled my hair, I just laughed. "Goodnight Dick" Bruce said as he got up. "Oh yeah.... Dick how are your nightmares going?" He asked as he looked at me with concern. "Their going away I think." I said "Ok" Bruce said as he left and turn my light off.


Hey guys sorry for not updating lately but I made it up to you guys. So Robin or Dick gave you a rose "for your beauty" and you blushed what about Robin she doesn't even know their the same person. What do you think is going to happen next? If you like this chapter leave a comment or vote

Special thanks to eh_1718 for giving me this idea and helping me out. You guys should follow her. Bye guys 😘😘 stay fresh!!

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