Meeting the team

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Y/n Pov
"Y/n what are you doing!!!" Klarion yelled after you trying to escape from your room away from the light. "Escaping from this prison I'm stuck in away from you people!!" You yelled back, Klarion used his dark magic and grab you by your waist and pulled you away from the window and threw you to the wall. After that you past out and he left "Sweet dreams you stupid brat" he said while doing his wicked laugh.

The memories of the light went through your mind as you ran through the forest. "Y/n get here now you brat" klarion yelled but you didn't answer when you didn't answer fast enough the light came in and saw your window open. You ran and didn't look back you only heard the light screaming for you to get back here now but you didn't listen you were just running. You were out of breath leaning on a tree for support cause your head was spinning trying to get away from them. Klarion and the brain corner you, you were tried to use your powers to get you out of here. Klarion started coming towards you his dark magic ready to hit you at any minute but before you could blink there was a blur a yellow and red blur knocked over klarion.

The yellow and red blur came to a stop and you saw his ginger hair blowing in the wind when he stopped running and his green eyes looking around like he was looking for someone then he ran towards the brain. Next a green girl came out of no where like she was invisible, she move her hands up then two trees came out from the ground and she started hitting klarion but his force field was protecting him from her,  her red hair was blowing in the wind getting in her face, her amber eyes looking fierce. Next a girl in a green costume and a mask hiding her face came and shoot bows at klarion's force field, her blond hair was blowing in the wind her grey eyes focused on klarion nothing else. Next a boy probably with anger issues came hurling towards klarion yelling and punching his force field, his black hair was blowing and sweat came down to met his big blue eyes. Next was another boy came with a hammer made of water and he also started hitting klarion's force field he had blond hair and green eyes that look fierce as he was hitting the force field. Last but not least a boy with a R and his shirt came and started throwing bataranges at the force field, his black hair was in his way and his masked
eyes were focused and he look kinda cute.

They finally finished beating klarion and the fast one got the brain. "Hey are you alright?" One asked you didn't even speak and they realized you didn't know their names "oh, allow me to introduce us, I'm aqualad" " I'm kid flash or you can call me the love of your life" he said as he winked and you rolled your eyes at that. " I'm Megan" the green girl said full of joy and happiness "I'm superboy" the boy that was yelling before said now sounding clam "I'm artiems" the girl in the green suit said "I'm robin, so are you ok" he asked sounding concern for me he looks kinda cute you thought to yourself. "Oh ummm yeah I'm ok" you said now getting back to reality. "Oh umm what's your name" artiems asked "y/n" you said hoping they wouldn't know you " umm a thank you would be nice" robin said smirking "I could have handle it I have powers too" you said
sound sounding harsh. "Oh yeah what kind" kid flash asked "earth, air, fire, and water" you said "since you have powers how would you like to come with us we are a team of superheroes" aqualad said sounding clam as well. "No" you said sounding firm "where are you going to go? Do you even have a home?" Robin asked you again sounding concern again "fine but just for a home" you said realizing you can't go back to your old home.

The team all left to a ship it was red and came out of nowhere. "What is that" you said "she's my bio ship, that's how I came to earth." Megan said sounding full of joy and happiness "you aren't from earth!!!" You said sounding surprise by what she just said "no, I'm from mars" she said you were shocked but now it makes sense since she's green. As we went into the bio ship you were not looking back, you were happy you finally got away from that evil house. The bio ship started to fly away from your old home, from the light and to a new home with superheroes. A new life was starting for you but they can't know about the light or your past.
Hey guys hope you guys like this book if you do please vote and leave a comment. Sorry if I messed up excuse my crappy writing. Bye guys 😘😘😁

Young justice robin x reader: bird love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora