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(This is short but I liked it; it wraps it up alright!)

"You know, I love you, Jehovah."

"Love you too, commie."

Tom and Tord have been dating for only a year, but it felt like it's been a decade. They were so close. Tord had to admit, he still did have a slight hunger for world domination sometimes, but Tom got rid of it.

Matt and Edd were married now. Edd finally popped the question a few months ago, in which Matt happily said yes. Tord hoped both of them would be married one day. He would love to see Tom that happily tearful.

Tom had cut down a lot on the alcohol since he'd much rather taste Tord's lips than Smirnoff. Tord cut down on his hentai as well, almost never looking at it. Tom replaced that as well.

"So, a year, huh?" Tom muttered to himself.

"Yep. Flies by fast, doesn't it?" Tord smiled at him.

"I can't believe that for a long time I hated your guts," Tom said before chuckling to himself. "I never would have guessed I'd be dating you in the future."

"Hehe.." Tord giggled. "You're adorable."

He hugged Tom close. Who knows what the rest of their future had in store for them? Why not enjoy the present?

"Tom, I love you so much.." Tord hugged him tighter.

"I know, you tell me every day," Tom laughed.

"But each day there's yet another reason to," Tord kissed his cheek affectionately.

"I love you more, though. You dork."

Anyways, this was actually pretty good in my opinion, but hey, bias is a thing! X3 I'm thinking about a sequel, but I probably won't make one since I don't want to draw it out. What do you think?
But yeah! I'd love to thank all of my readers and followers for the support this book received. It means a lot to me! I'm glad you guys liked it as much as you did. I thought it would never pass 15 reads or so, honestly! But enough of my rambling and gushing. Until next time, my  homehs!

Void (TomTord) ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt