.:2:. Just Like Old Times

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"Guys, I really don't get why Tom doesn't trust me."

"Well, you did kind of try to destroy the world and everything, Tord," Edd said.

"But I've changed, guys. You seem to get it, no?" He paused and sighed before continuing. "I just wish Tom would trust me so we could all be friends again."

"Maybe you could buy him some beer! He loves Smirnoff, y'know," Edd suggested. "He's been out of it for a week so he's been pissy."

"Yeah, I could try that," Tord said. "But considering the fact that I have no money, I'll do it later."

"You should get a job, Tord," Matt said.

"I don't see you working, Matt," Tord said. (He didn't want to work. He was already working on plans).

"I don't have to! My face pays for itself and Edd buys me food!" He said with a smile.

Tord shrugged and looked out of the ice cream parlor's window. Those guys always got on his nerves: Matt was so conceited, stupid, and egotistical; Edd was nerdy, weird, and lazy; and Tom was an alcoholic bass geek.

However, and despite all that they've been through, these idiots liked him, which warmed his heart slightly. Slightly. It's not like he actually liked those freaks. He only hung out with them because it benefited him. They paid for his food, gave him housing, and would help him in his plans. Those caring bastards...

He still hates Tom, though. Tom foiled his plans and stabbed him with a harpoon, which hurt like a bitch. Tom is the reason he has to be around these idiots anyways.. the reason his plans failed...

"Are you going to eat the rest of your ice cream, Tord?" Matt asked, wanting it.


"Soo, are you guys up to play laser tag?!" Tord asked.

"Umm, Tord," Edd said. "I think it's time to get back home."

"I agree with Edd," Matt said. "I haven't looked at my beautiful face in an hour... I'm starting to feel depressed."

"Ugh.." Tord sighed. "Let's go home then."
"Tom, we're back," Edd said.

"It's about time."

"Tommm~" Tord said overly politely.

"Cut the shit, Tord," Tom said seriously. "What's the real reason you came back here?"

"Alright, alright, you caught me," Tord put his hands in front of him. "I came back because the ice cream truck has delicious ice cream! The ice cream back in Norway sucks! Hehe..."

"I'm onto you, commie," Tom said. "I'm not easy to fool."

"Come on, Tom! Lighten up! I bought you some Smirnoff~!" Tord said, holding the large bottle in front of him. "It's ice cold~"

"Fine. I'll forget it for now. But leave me alone, I don't want anything to do with you."

"Hehe, okay! See ya later, Jehovah!"

A/N: Sorry for this being so short and bad!

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