.:5:. Carnival

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(A/N: this chapter is kinda just for them bonding but rlly it looks like filler but it's character development for them..)

"I can't believe I agreed to this," Tom muttered under his breath.

"Come on, we're friends now, and this is what friends do, right?" They were currently walking into the amusement park without Matt or Edd, which pushed Tom out of his comfort zone.

"Yeah, but couldn't we have just stayed home and watched a movie or something? For all I know you could be planning to kill me!" Tom explained.

"Don't be so pissy! Friends trust each other, no?" Tord sighed. "If you're this pissy you'll ruin the trip here, enjoy yourself."

"Fine," Tom reluctantly stated. "But I'm not going on that really fast roller coaster."

"Come on~!" Tord . "But it's fun! And that's the only reason why I chose to come here!"


They both observed the roller coaster called The Inferno, which was sticking out among the smaller rides as the tallest roller coaster in the park. It started off slow but quickly got faster, going extremely fast down the large hill-like structure before going in a few loops. Tom was terrified of it.

"Aww," Tord whined. "Please.."

Tom ignored him and walked towards the spinning teacups, Tord tagging behind. They handed them the tickets and sat down in the same teacup. (Tord's idea..)


"Yes, Jehovah?" He glanced at Tom.

"Wow, we haven't fought once today."

The ride started off slow and still went really slow, but to the riders it felt like it was going fast. Tom blushed a bit for no reason as the ride slowed to a halt and the got off.

Then they went to the Ferris wheel, which had a small line in front of it. Tord had brought him here to become friends and gain his trust. He was glad Tom had went to the Ferris wheel second, but he wanted to do the rest before that..

"Tickets, please.." The operator said unenthusiastically in a familiar voice.

Tord handed him the tickets before low fiving him and taking a seat with Tom. Tom moved a bit away from Tord uncomfortably before the Ferris wheel began to spin.

"Tord, spending the day with you hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be," Tom admitted.

"Same for you."

Suddenly, on their third time around, the ride came to a halt right at the top. This was great, and right when Tom was enjoying himself. Tord didn't seem to worry.

"Tord! We're in mid air on a Ferris wheel!" Tom said.

Tord shrugged nonchalantly.

Tom was hyperventilating a bit because he had a fear of heights. All of the other passengers were shocked but were able to get off easily because they were at the bottom. The operator was nowhere to be seen. Tom began to feel a bit dizzy.

"Tord! What if we die here!?" Tom freaked out.

"I don't know!" Tord acted shocked.

"I never thought I would die in such a boring way.." Tom muttered.

"If we do die, I need to tell you something.." Tord averted his eyes, acting nervous. "I hid my hentai collection in your closet!"

"Really, Tord." Tom rolled his eyes.

The ride was still not moving. Tom was getting nervous.

"Tord, if we don't make it out of here I want you to know that even though I act like I hate you I actually have a pretty bi-" Tom flinched. "Oh, the ride's moving.."

Damn, bad timing Paul.. Tord thought. I thought I told him 30 minutes!

They got off the Ferris wheel before heading to the carousel. After the carousel, Tom had no other rides he'd like to go on since those were all the kiddy rides.

"Ooh! How about.."


"The Inferno!"

"Torrrd!" Tom drooped down.

"You've went to your kiddy rides, time for the good rides!" Tord smiled goofily.

"Alright, but if I die on this ride I will haunt you, commie!" Tom crossed his arms sassily.

"Heh.." Tord half giggled before fast-walking over to the large rollercoaster, dragging Tom behind him.

He handed the person the tickets and ran over to the seats, sitting down with Tom beside him. The rollercoaster started a few minutes after sitting, and was really slow. Tom was chilled by this and relaxed.

Suddenly, the speed drastically changed as they went down a hill-like part of the ride. Tom screamed in shock as Tord smiled like an idiot. Suddenly, they were going in loops. Tom felt very nauseous but wasn't going to puke around his- around Tord.

Suddenly, the ride stopped while they were upside down, causing an unbuckled passenger to fly forward and fall off. Tom started hyperventilating again. If they fell off, they'd be seriously injured or they'd die. Tord looked shocked as well.

This wasn't part of what I had planned.. Tord thought.

"T-Tord! W-What if we die on this stupid ride!" Tom was freaking out worse than before.

"Calm down, we're not gonna die."

"But Tord, what if we do?! M-Matt, Edd, t-they'd be worried a-an-"

He stopped when Tord started rubbing circles on his back to calm him down. Honestly, Tord was scared too. But Tom had a severe fear of heights.

"Calm down," He said firmly.

Once Tom was calm, he spoke again.

"Hmm, what was that thing you were gonna say on the Ferris wheel?" He asked curiously.

"I-I'm not telling you now, C-Commie!" Was Tom.. blushing?

"But you said you wanted to tell me because we could've died~" Tord persuaded them.

"Fine. But if we make it out alive you can't tease me."

"Got it."

"Tord.. I-I.." Tom's face was red. "I like you!"

"Oh, so we're friends~?" Tord teased.

"N-No! I-Iloveyou!" Tom spat out before murmuring. "I found out four days ago.."

Tord was shocked by this. Wait! Now he can pinpoint the feeling he's felt all day! All day he's felt this particular feeling but couldn't put his finger on it.. Friendship? Nah. Companionship? Not that either..


He never would have guessed it but he loves Tom. He blushed at the realization. He's felt this way for months! How could he only figure out his feelings now?

"Tom.." Tord blushed, averting his eyes before-

The ride suddenly became functional again and finished its cycle. Tord facepalmed at the timing before they got off.

"That's enough rides for today," Tom said before nearly puking.


The drive home was awkward, no one talked. Tord was a sweating mess. How could he love someone? Love is weak, the world can't have a weak ruler! He'll have to give himself more time than he thought he would need to come up with a plan. A lot more time.

When they stopped at the house, nobody got out. Tord blushed.

"So.." Tord broke the ice.


"Tom.." Tord was flustered. "I l-love you too."

Tom blushed as well. How had Tord lost his usual confidence? He ignored that thought before leaning in to peck him on the lips sweetly. Tord flinched at this before gently moving in.

They both pulled away after a few seconds and blushed. They both turned wide eyed when they seen a shocked Edd and Matt in the driveway watching them..

Void (TomTord) ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang