.:6:. Edd and Matt are what?!

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A/N: Tord is actually getting feelings guys! Yay!

"Tom! Tord!" Matt ran over to the car to greet them. "Hey!"

"We thought you guys were straight.." Edd stated, smirking.

Tom and Tord both blushed and looked away from Edd. Is he going to tease them for this now? They hoped not.


"Well, it's okay!" Edd smiled at them before looking toward Matt.

"E-Edd and I are actually not straight either..." Matt stated, losing his confidence for a brief moment.

"I-In fact..." Edd paused before going quiet. "Matt and I are.. dating..."

Tom and Tord gasped at this. Why did Edd hide this from them? Well, this actually explained a lot, including the noises at night.

"Wait, Edd, how long have you two been dating?" Tom asked.

"A year and a half," Edd replied swiftly.

"Why did you keep this from us?!" Tom asked angrily. "Can you not trust us?"

"We didn't know how you'd react and we were scared.." Edd frowned. "Trust me, we didn't intend to keep it from you for that long. We put it off and kind of forgot to tell you."

Tom sighed angrily before letting go of it. Tord was also sort of angry but he didn't have a right to be since he was the one that betrayed them.. Ouch. Why did he feel an ache every time he thought of that? It's been happening for a while now.

"Stop sitting in the car and come in!" Edd said happily.

Void (TomTord) ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें