14| A Realization

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Hey guys, let me know if you like this book by voting and commenting! I can't know if you like it if you don't tell me. (Ha, Subaru) anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Yuri and I continued to stand at the barre awkwardly, him rolling his ankles and me winging my hands. The tension was finally cut, thankfully, when Mrs. Baranovskaya opened the door.

"Ah, Yuri, I see you did take my advice." She mused.

Yuri sighed. "Yeah whatever."

I pointed to the door. "I'll just...be going then." I said with a nervous laugh.

"Thank you Valentina." Mrs. Baranovskaya told me. I responded with a small smile.

I pushed open the door that lead to the lobby. I was about to open the door, when I realized that the outside ground was covered in powdery snow. Curse you winter. I turned around and headed back inside the practice room. "Mrs. Baranovskaya?" I asked, opening the door.

Both she and Yuri looked my way. "Yes?"

"It's snowing outside, and well... I walked here, so I need a ride home." I explained, embarrassed.

Mrs. Baranovskaya sighed and looked at her wrist watch. "I've got to take Yuri to the rink after this to run his program. Would you be able to come with me and wait?"

I was definitely able to hear my blood pulsing through my viens; my heart pounding. I was starting to get this weird feeling whenever I was near Val, like my heart was racing. She just had his affect on me, whether she knew she did or not.

I mentally slapped myself. When did I become such a softie? I was supposed to be the Russian punk! Not some lovesick puppy. I didn't want my life to be like some crazy romantic novel, but hey, guess where we are now.

But even still, I had to start making plans. Not just for this, but for the Grand Prix finals. "That ok with you Yuri?" Mrs. Baranovskaya snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, whatever." I huffed, switching back to my normal attitude. I need serious help.
Victor (oh snap)
I smiled as I watched Yuuri skate. He was like a beautiful angel, gliding along the ice. "How was it Victor?" He questioned as he skated over to me.

"Beau-" I was silenced by Yuuri's phone ringing, quite loudly, from the bench behind us. Yuuri looked at me in surprise. "Gonna answer that?" I asked him with a tiny smirk.

Yuuri blushed in embarrassment before rushing over. He gave a small frown as he looked at the screen.  I walked over to him. "What's wrong?"

Yuuri hesitated for a moment before answering. "V?"


Yuuri put the phone on speaker and looked at me. "Hey, I need your help." Valentina's voice spoke out from the phone.

"What do you need?" I asked her, my finger resting on my chin and lip area in thought. 

"What's it called when you are around someone else and you feel really fuzzy and warm. And don't you say love because I've ruled it out already."

Yuuri raised an eyebrow. "I thought that was love?" Oh you cute little cinnamon roll.

"It can't be!" Valentina exclaimed.

I let out a little chuckle. "And why do you say that?"

Valentina huffed in frustration. "Because, it's Yuri Plisetsky, of course it isn't."

Yuuri and I stared at each other in complete shock. Valentina was in love with Yuri Plisetsky.'"Why are you silent all of a sudden?" Valentina asked, unease in her voice.

"How should I put this...Valentina, I believe you're in love with our little Yurio and you're in denial." I told her flatly."


"Expected." Yuuri sighed. "Now, do you want to tell her brother or me?"

"What? No! Don't tell him!" Valentina exclaimed. "He'll kill Yuri!"

"Oh, worried about him are we?" I asked smugly.

Valentina tsked. "What if I am?"

Yuuri sighed. "Valentina, I think you like Yuri. Am I right?"

Valentina paused. "Maybe..." She whispered. "I don't know what to do! He obviously resents me."

I shook my head, even though she couldn't see me. Somehow I couldn't see the Russian fairy not falling for her. She was even at Skate Canada! "I don't think you're right there."

Valentina sighed. "I don't know what to do. Sure, I thought I had crushes on boys before, but this is different...and I'm scared."

Wow. Our little V's shell was cracking. She wasn't the spicy and loud girl I met earlier, she was just a fifteen year old girl who was confused. "You'll be fine V." Yuuri assured her. "We'll see you in St. Petersburg?"

Val laughed. "I actually wasn't going, but I'll see if I can hitch a ride with Yuri and his squad."

"See you there!" Yuuri and I exclaimed in unison before we said our goodbyes.

Oh Val...
"Why?!" I screamed, leaning against the wall of the studio. I had left the practice room awhile ago. "Why did I have to fall for him of all people?"

"Fall for who?"

Oh. Heck. No.

Yuri Plisetsky was standing before me with his skates, ready to go to the rink. "No one." I snapped at him, unhappy that he had heard my rant to the wall. Only the wall was supposed to get that.

"Yes it is." He argued.

"Well it's not you." I hissed. Would he please just leave me alone?

Something flashed across Yuri's face, before he scowled as usual and turned to walk away. Hurt. Maybe Victor was right...

"Wait Yuri!"

"Yes?" He spat, turning back around at me. "What do you want?"

My face flushed red. What was I gonna say? Oh hey Yuri, I like you, date me. "I-it actually what I mean is..."

"Just spit it out!"

"I like you!" I screamed at him. My mouth fell agape, as my brain registered what I had just said.

Before I knew it though, Yuri had crossed the room and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you." He whispered, his cold hearted side fading away. "Thank you very much."
Words: 1117


Actually, I was going to wait and keep holding this off, but eh. I have a spot in the story where it needs to be official so might as well get it done.


Hope you all enjoyed!


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