9|When Life Gives You Lemons...

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Yo! Quick note: for those of you who don't read my A/Ns at the end of the chapters, I just wanted you to know that you can cast your vote for the next YOI X OC book. You can pick any character!! Just comment your answer!
Yuri's POV
As the plane landed, I turned my head to see the brunette talking intently with Mrs. Baranovskaya. She would occasionally glare or sigh, making me wonder what the heck they were talking about. My questions were answered when I heard Yakov mutter: "Dancers and their strategies..."

I rolled my eyes. "You speak the truth."

The plane then decided it wanted to jerk and shudder violently, tossing us in our seats. Thankfully I had a good grip on the seat and my seatbelt was tight. Valentina however was unprepared, seeing as she hadn't yet rebuckled her seatbelt from her trip to the bathroom. She was flung forward, her head smacking against the table. She let out a cry, grabbing her, now red, forehead.

I could barely stifle a laugh as she rubbed the spot where a goose egg was beginning to form. "What if I have a bruise?! I can't compete like this!" She began to fret.

I rolled my eyes at her attitude, even though it was hilariously cute.



I Yuri Plisetsky, just called Valentina Nikolaev cute? I looked at the girl who was buckling her seatbelt so as to not be thrown around anymore. Not gonna lie, she did look kind of pretty. Her long brown hair went well with the blue sweater she wore and her hands were smooth. The way she was kind and somewhat patient during my free skate rehearsals with her.


I, Yuri Plisetsky have lost my mind.

I, Yuri Plisetsky have fallen for Valentina Nikolaev.

I rubbed my forehead in agony. Why do tables exist? I don't know. Quickly buckling my seatbelt, I spotted Yuri staring at me from the corner of my eye. I looked up and gave him a 'What are you looking at?' Look. This caused him to turn to his phone and hide behind his fringe of hair.

"We will be landing shortly. Thank you for flying with us today." The flight attendant once again called out over the intercom.

"Finally!" I cheered, throwing my hands in the air and going to stand. However, I forgot I was still strapped to the seat. I proceeded to fall for what seemed like the tenth time today. Sinking into my seat, I grumbled out incomprehensible words. I just want to be in Canada...
The hotel was a sight for sore eyes once the taxi driver let us off at the front door. It was a tall brown building with bright lights and fancy shrubbery. How cute!

The room was in the fifth floor out of ten and was nicely sized. I was under the assumption that it would be an average hotel room where Mrs. Baranovskaya and I would stay separate from Yuri and Yakov. No dice. The room was like an apartment with its living room and full kitchen. Four rooms split off from the living space, each with a bed, closet and TV. Two of the rooms shared a bathroom where the other two were separate.

"Valentina and Yuri, you two will take the rooms on the left." Mrs. Baranovskaya ordered. "That way getting you up and in makeup will be easier. Coordinate the bathroom orders yourself." We sighed, but nodded and dos as we were told. Nobody wanted an angry Baranovskaya.

"Start unpacking." Was the next order from Yakov. "Yuri, you and I are going to the rink to scope it out and practice. Valentina, prepare for tomorrow. The schedule says you preform at 1:30pm."

Yuri and I nodded and split off to our rooms. My room was a vibrant red with a white covered bed and furnishings. I put my suitcase and dance bag in the closet and preceded to get into a pair of leggings and tank top to stretch. As I made my way to the living room to do so, I was met with Yuri and Yakov leaving.

Yuri and I made eye contact. Don't ask why, I don't know. He broke away first, blushing madly. Weird.

I sat down in the carpet and went on with my stretching when I noticed something...


I don't know how I had missed it earlier when Yakov told me. My nerves started to hit like a ten thousand pound truck going three hundred miles per hour.

How was I going to pull this off?

Well we know what they all say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. So, when life gives you an unexpected plan, you just gotta go kick it in the butt.

That's a good analogy...right?

810 Words.

I didn't make my 1000 word quota 😫 it's ok, I want to start the competition next chapter anyway.


Ok you get the drill.


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