It was an incredible story, but neither one of the musketeers could ask any further questions as a scream could be heard, calling out to them; they turned to see it was a panicked Constance. "Afternoon Constance, what's the matter??" Athos asked as they all stood from their seats; the woman regained her break as she explained "a man has taken a child and locked himself in the Tavern!!" she exclaimed "he as a gun!!". Eyes wide, the musketeers and two siblings rushed into action as they grabbed their weapons and hurried through the gates of the Garrison; they ran through the streets of Paris before finding a crowd surrounding the Tavern. "Should I kick the door down??" Porthos asked, but their leader shook his head "no, not yet" he explained how it could trigger the gunman further; Aramis turned towards the crowd as he, D'artagnan and Kayley backed them away from the building "does anyone know the name of the man and child??" he asked. A woman, who seemed to be in much distress, stepped forth "the man's my husband, Romeo" she informed "but I don't know who the child is" she was just as scared and confused as the rest of the crowd. Next to step forward was a very young girl - maybe six or seven years old?? "the child is my big brother Tommy!!" she cried out "please help him!!" Kayley crouched down next to the young girl with a gentle smile "that's the plan sweetheart" she reassured "can you go get your parents for me??" she asked earning a nod. The little girl rushed off through the crowd to do as told; Kayley returned to her feet as stood with her brother and the musketeers. "Romeo!! We know you're in there!!" Athos called out as they stood by the door "I don't know why you've taken a young boy hostage....but we can help you!!" he tried to reassure "you just need to hand the boy over to us!!" all was silent before a rough voice could be heard yelling back at the musketeer "no!! He works for Satan!! He must die!!" the five friends shared a look of worry as D'artagnan spoke "he's just a child!! How could a child work for Satan?!". They received no reply for a few minutes before finally, Romeo spoke "we both must die". 

All eyes widened in horror "Porthos!!" Athos ordered; the bear like man already knew what he needed to do - he kicked the door down easily before they each ran into the building. They all froze in place at the sight in front of them; Romeo was pressing his gun at the child's head - Tommy was silently crying. He was so afraid. "Listen to me need to lower the gun and hand the boy over to us" Athos told him, speaking clearly and carefully; the gun wielding man refused to listen. That was until Kayley had an idea "Romeo" she called out, all attention staying between the girl and man "if the boy works for Satan, then as musketeers, isn't it their job to take him away and protect everyone??" she asked, pointing towards the three musketeers; Romeo slowly nodded as she was right "then hand Tommy over to them and they can take him away" she reassured. Seeming to think about what the fourteen year old was saying until he eventually nodded, though he was extremely hesitant "alright, but be careful!! He's dangerous!!" Romeo exclaimed earning a multiple of nods; Kayley sent him a kind smile "we will" she glanced over at her flirtatious friend "Aramis". It was a single command for him to grab Tommy and take him away; he gladly did as told and removed the child from the Tavern, returning him to his parents who were waiting with their daughter. "Good" Kayley praised "now can you hand over the gun?? Don't want anyone getting hurt now, do we??" she asked with a small smile, though the man didn't move, his grip on the gun still very tight "...Romeo?? Are you going to hand me the gun??" she tried once again. Finally moving, the man seemed to...inspect the gun?? "Why??" he asked, confusing the room of people; Kayley looked over towards her three remaining friends for help as she didn't know what to say. Assisting the girl, Athos spoke up "you need to hand over the gun Romeo, someone might get hurt" he stated firmly "guns aren't toys" Romeo looked up from the gun before aiming his head!! All eyes widened in horror once more "Romeo!! Don't!!" they all yelled out, moving towards him but it was too late; the man pulled the trigger before dropping to the floor instantly with a thud - they couldn't believe what they had just witnessed.

The body was removed from the Tavern and the blood was cleaned up; the musketeers and siblings returned to the Inn they all stayed at. The long term friends took note of how quiet the brother and sister were "are you two okay??" Porthos asked as they entered the two's rented room, concern laced within his voice; the two nodded but neither of the tree believed it "and the real answer??" Athos asked. Sighing, Kayley sat down on her bed "sorry, it's's never nice to see someone die...especially by their own hand" she explained - Porthos sat next to her and wrapped an arm around the teens shoulder as a way to comfort her; they could all agree with her statement "yeah, it's horrible" Athos nodded "but if you're both planning on becoming actual musketeers some day, you'll see a lot like that weekly" he informed. The brother and sister knew this of course "yeah...doesn't change the fact that it's horrible, like you said" D'artagnan rubbed the back of his neck. All five friends sound a seat as they began to talk about a multiple of things, joking and laughing together as thy played some card games; the men drank some wine of course. Many hours passed before the three musketeers left he siblings room for their own, parting way around ten O clock so that they could get some much wanted sleep.

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