"Open your eyes Natalie." He whispered in my ear.

I opened up and what i saw was a paper stating some results and an admission letter attached to it.


"Yahoooo!" I shrieked very loudly.
"Oh my God! Adrian you're finally going to fulfil your dream. I am sooo happy for you." Then I hugged him very tightly.

He was continuously laughing at my reaction.

"I knew it'll make you happy never knew that it'll make you this excited." He said amusingly.

"Shut up okay. Don't you remember how you yelled at my face and whirl me around in half of Brazil just because of your excitement when I got my admission letter." I spoke remembering his happy face from that day.

"Hahaha you remember that? I am glad. Anyway you're the first one to know about this princess." He said while placing a hand on my head while gently ruffling my hair.

I loved it whenever he did that. It looked very cute to me.

"Thank you for telling me Mr. Adrian. Now my treat?" I asked pouting a little this time.

"Let's go princess. I originally came here to escort you also. I've reserved a spot in a fine restaurant. We're going to eat your favorite dishes only. I've booked us a chef for the evening. He'll cook anything you want." Adrian said making me feel touched once again.

When I was in Brazil, he always ate what I ordered. He was the only one who would take me to a lunch or dinner and would let me decide what to order always. These little things meant everything to me. He was one perfect gentleman. Damn it. I am going to miss him!


Enrique's P.O.V

I was with my friends and when the class ended we decided to go to cafeteria. I saw Natalie going towards vending machine. As always she was looking so cute and decent. And right when she was about to insert her credit card I saw Adrian behind her. Then he covered her eyes with his hands.

That son of a bitch is touching her again. I stopped in my tracks without even aware of my surroundings. When my friends saw me stopping they followed my gaze.

"Isn't that Natalie? Who is that guy with her?" Jay asked curiously.

"He's hugging her. They look intimate. Definitely her boyfriend." Ian said very confidently.

What I seeing was very much unexpected for me. If it was some other girl I would've walked passed without even giving a glance. But it was her. A girl who's in my mind 24/7.

"That's not her fucking boyfriend, he's her best friend only." I clenched my jaw and fists and bursted out in anger.

Ian flinched back at my reaction.

"But Enrique, they look really good and intimate so i thought may be... " Ian tried to reason it with me.


I was very close to punch Ian in his face for his stupid observation. But seeing her laughing with that jerk so freely I couldn't control it either and left the building without saying a word to my friends.

I never should've left. Me leaving without a word to them is surely gonna make some nonsense form in their idiotic brains. But I couldn't stand it anymore. She was hugging that guy. She actually fucking hugged him and he hugged her back not only just hugged her he was ruffling her beautiful hair lightly too.

What are they? Boyfriend girlfriend? Why did my dad tell me then that he's a friend just. They are not blood related why is she so close to him.

I can't pretend anymore this is effecting me badly. I've destroyed everything earlier which was placed on my dressing table. Fuck this anger is out of control. I need to talk to her.

Why is she doing this to me? Why am I feeling so helpless? Why me? What do I do now? I need to find out what kind of person she actually is and whatever the hell her relation is with that asshole. I dialed a number then talked to my private investigator told him the details and asked him to get my answers as soon as possible.

I need to observe her daily routine. Probably I'll find some bad side of her and that will free me from this shitty obsession. Yes that's what I am gonna do.


It's 3 AM now, almost 11 hours since I last talked to my investigator. He told me he'll call as soon as he'll find something. I haven't slept, not for even a minute. My anxiety is back and I am thinking all sorts of things. suddenly I heard my phone started ringing and I felt my whole body shaking vigorously. Finally after gathering some courage I picked up.

"Sir I've checked very thoroughly. They're not in a romantic relationship but very close friends. They know each other for 5 years. Mr.Adrian and his parents have family terms with Mr.Williams. He's living in New York right now but he's moving to Australia for masters. He's the only son and his father is the owner of Lambert group of industries."

Thank God thank God he's not her boyfriend. I sighed when I felt my anxiety gone.

"When is he moving to Australia?" That's all I could ask after his long speech.

"In 2 weeks." He replied shortly.

"Alright you did a good job. I hope you're not missing anything and the information you got is authentic as always." Remembering their hug scene was still making me uncertain of his findings.

"No sir, I am sure. Information is authentic."

"Fine. I'll transfer money in your account. And don't look for miss Natalie again." I added the last sentence without even noticing but obviously because of my possessive nature. What if he falls for her too?

"Okay sir, I won't as you say." He said while agreeing.

"Good. Bye." I ended the call.

I was feeling so relaxed that I was sleeping the next moment.


Longest update so far.

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