15: Maybe I'm Better Off Dead

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-Next Day-
I was cooking dinner for Jinxx and I until I got a phone call. "Hello?" I answer
"Come on baby please take me back?" I furrow my brows
"Yes baby, it's your koala bear." I sigh
"No Kole I'm sorry but I have a family to take care of now."
"It's because of that Jinxx guy isn't it?!" He yells, I flinch. "Remember that time you got drunk? You sure enjoyed me pleasuring you." Tears threaten to fall this time. "I'm waiting for you babe." The line goes dead. I turn off the stove and stare at my phone.
"You sick bastard!" I throw it across the room. I threw the glass vase and screamed some more, I was loosing it now. The doorbell ringed three times, I sighed and opened it. There was a red rose on the mat. I pick it up and walk inside slamming the door shut. I read the letter on the Rose.
I'm waiting for your answer<3

I let the thorns sink into the skin on my hands. "Shut up!" I rip off the rose pedals while running to Jinxx and my room. "I can't do it!" I open up Jinxx's drawers and dig through his pants drawer and find his switch blade. "Fuck it." I drop the rose-well now it's just a stem, and run to the corner.
Cut one is for being selfish
Cut two is for giving up on my children when I gave birth
Cut three is for not being a good mom
Cut five is for being so weak
Cut six is for not being the best Fiancé for Jinxx
Cut seven is for not staying strong for myself
Cut eight is for Kole
Cut nine is for the stupid rose that showed up on my door step
And finally, cut ten is for the very little sanity I have left.
I put the blade down and look at the cuts I made, blood oozed out of my arm quickly. I crawl to the bathroom not even caring about the blood trail. I turn on the bath water and take off my shirt and shorts leaving myself in my garments. I get in staring at the wall, hoping it'll all be over. Jinxx will be better off without me.
I get home with the two babies and the guys. We all went out to go see Power Rangers and Lacy wanted to stay home. I hand Chase to Jake and Sammy to Ashley. "Yo look at this." CC points to the rose pedals leading upstairs.
"Let me go see." I follow the trail and it goes to Lacy and my room. I turn around the corner on my side of the bed and see blood drops on the floor. "No no no no no..." I mutter. "It can't be." I run to the bathroom and see a tub full of red water but no Lacy in it. Her phone rings.
I answer it.
"You should've taken better care of your fiancé. She cut herself and you weren't there. You're the worse Jinxxy poo." Kole spoke on the other line then hung up.
"That son of bitch!" I punch the wall and kick it.
"Hey hey stop man stop what's going on?!" CC holds onto my shoulder.
"Kole took Lacy!" I snap. "She cut herself all because of me!" My knees give out on me causing me to fall to the floor. "I should've took her with me to see some other movie that she wanted to see." I lay my head against the wall crying.
"Lacy did that?" Ashley came in no longer holding Sammy. He picks up a stem from the Rose and noticed blood on it and a letter. "Kole was watching her." He threw it away. "We can't get the cops into this or they'll just send her to court and you know how much she hates being there." We all go downstairs.
"I'll have my mom and dad take care of her." Jaime said.
"When did you get here?" I ask
"Andy let me in and I heard the conversation."
"Okay but are you in this?" He nods.
"I'll have the rest of my band join in."
"We're already in!" I hear VIC shout from the window.
"Well we don't know what we're doing but we're still in you guys are family." Tony says. They get in, including Mike
"Thanks guys, let's go search for them."
"Already did." Mike holds up his phone. "I traced down Kole's number." I nod.
  "Thanks, lets go follow him." We get in three cars. I went with Ashley and CC, Mike and the rest of PTV went in his car, Andy and Jake went in Jake's car. I get behind Mike's car and Jake gets behind me.
  Mike calls me. "Yeah?"
  "Yo he's like three hours away."
  "I don't care I just want to get Lacy back."
  "Aw that's true love right there." Jaime says in the background. "Alright well tell Andy and Jake."
  "Got it." I hang up and call Jake. I tell him then hang up. Hang in there Lacy.
  Everything is so dark, I shivered at the cold floor. "Hello?" I call out.
  "Hey baby." Kole turns on the light. "You'll be down here for a while, I want you to be mine now."
  "Don't forget about me." Gee comes up behind him.
  "You're ours." I shake my head and look down.
  "How could you Gee..." I mutter. "I'd rather die down here."
  "No!" Gee smacks me, I whimper. "I saved you from dying so be happy!"
  "Easy Gee." Kole holds onto his knife. "Don't wanna scare her." He looks down at me. "I don't think she likes you around her anymore."
  "No!" I shout. Kole stabs a knife into Gee's stomach. "You're a monster!" I scream.
  "Now that, that's over we can be together now." He goes upstairs dragging Gee's body behind him. "I'll be back panda." He slams the door shut. I sit up wobbling a bit, Kole left me in my wet and cold garments. I try to open the door but it's locked.
  "Damnit!" I look around for a phone but find a window instead. I grab the blanket off the bed and open up the window. I jump down and curse when I sprain my ankle. "You got this it's just a little sprain." I lump away and notice other houses nearby. The neighbors outside looked at me.
  "Are you alright miss?" A lady probably in her 30s asked
  "I need to use a phone please." She hands me her phone. I call Vic since it's the first number that popped up in my head. "Vic are you looking for me?"
  "Yeah we traced down Kole's number we're on our way, glad you're alive."
  "No don't come I'll meet you somewhere else."
  "Okay where?"
  "This place looks familiar when I toured with your band and mine. You remember the Walmart we got kicked out of?"
  "Meet me at the back of it it'll take me at least an hour to get there."
  "Alright be safe." I hang up and hand the lady her phone.
  "You need a ride there?"
  "Yes thank you." She helps me into the car and drives off to Walmart in silence.

  "Take care hon." The lady says before driving off. I sit on a bench in the back waiting for vic
  "Lacy you son of a bitch!" I hear Kole. I hide inside a box and shut the lid. A little hole inside let me check and see if he's there. "Where are you?!" He sobbed.
  "Hey what are you doing here?" An employee came out. "Get lost!" Kole scattered away with his motorcycle. "Ma'am get out of the box please." The employee opens up the box. "He's gone now. What are you doing here?"
  "I was running away from my crazy ex, the one that just left, and I'm waiting on my friends."
  "Well lets get you some clothes." I get inside the back with him. "I only have this big shirt but it'll cover your underwear and your bra at least."
  "Do you want me to call the cops?" I shake my head
"It's okay."
"Alright well go on out." I walk out and see Mike's car outside  
  "Mike." I run up to him tearing up a little. "Guys." My voice trembled when I saw PTV and BVB standing there surprised I'm still alive. "Jinxx..." I bursts out crying.
"I'm here it's okay." He wraps his arms around my waist. "I love you, my beautiful moon."
"I love you too, my sunshine." I smile and kiss his lips softly.
"Sis." Ashley hugs me tightly. "I thought I'd lose you again." I shake my head
"You never did, I'm always here." I point to his chest. "Right in your heart too, and here." I point to his head. "I'll always be here with you guys." Blood oozes out of my nose. "I love you guys." Blood comes out of my mouth and splatters onto the pavement. I lay on the ground unconscious.
-Two Days Later-
I'm finally home. After checking up on me the doctors said I can go home to see my fiancé and my two amazing babies. "Aw hey Sammy girl." I pick her up and she giggles. "Hey Chasey bear." I kiss his nose and he squeals.
"Hey baby girl." Jinxx kisses my nose. "The kids missed you while you were busy at work."
"Well I missed them too and I missed you too Jinxxy." I mess up his hair and he frowns.
"Not the hair." He attempts to fix it but fails. "Want anything to eat?" I shake my head
  "I ate with Jason, we talked about getting a new guitarist since Gee was killed." I look down and sigh. "Hopefully we find someone." He nods
  "I'll help if you want." I shake my head
  "I got this babe, did you eat?" He shakes his head. "I'll make you something."
  "No no sit down."
  "Baby I got this." I put Samantha in her crib and grab some pots and pans. "How does rice with eggs and chicken sound?" I ask
  "Sounds delicious." He wraps his arms around my waist. "But you taste better." He says lowly and huskily in my ear. I blush as he nibbles at my ear lobe.
  "J-Jinxx w-we have ch-children."
  "Not tonight, Ash and Andy are gonna pick them up cause they wanna spend time with them." I nod.
  "A-at least let me make you some f-food."
  "Thanks baby, for caring for our family." He smacks my ass and I squeal.
  "You're dad's a whore." I tell Sammy but since she didn't understand me she just giggled.
  Andy and Ash take the twins away and Jinxx carries me back inside. He takes me upstairs quickly and places me on the bed. "I love you." Jinxx pecks my cheek.
  "I love you too."
  "But I'm gonna fuck you like I hate you tonight." I gulp. "I miss all of this." He takes off my shirt and pants. "I miss fucking you like there was no tomorrow."  He takes off my bra and sucks on nipple and massages the other then switches boobs. I blush and cover my face. "No baby don't cover your face." He moves my hands and grabs his belt. He slides off my panties and shoves a finger inside. I gasp at the shocking touch going through my body.
  "J-Jinxx..." I moan softly. He flicks his tongue against my clit and bites it. I moan louder.
  I come undone and he chuckles lowly. I watch him take off all his clothes. Jinxx flips me over and ties his belt around my wrists, I feel nothing after that.
  "Jinxx?" I try and turn my head but instantly feel him thrust inside me, I scream in shock. "J-Jinxx." I moan...
  "Yes baby?" I turn my head and look up at him smirking. "Come on just hold it for a bit." He fingers me roughly.
  "Ugh! Jinxx I can't!" I release onto his fingers.
  "Bad girl." I feel a cloth cover my eyes but the belt comes off my wrists. "You'll like this." I feel his lips press against mine. I cup his cheeks and kiss him back with need.
  He pulls back chuckling. "You're really needy you know." Someone says that doesn't sound like Jinxx
  "U-um...Jinxx what's going on???" I squirm around.
  "Relax beautiful I'm right here." The blindfold comes off to reveal-


Outcast (sequel to Sex Slave)- Black Veil Brides fanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu