10: Everybody Makes Mistakes, Everyone has those Days

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  It's been a week since I've been with Raven at her house. I think I'm ready to go back. The guys never talked to me or anything, I guess Jinxx told them to leave me alone. Speaking of Jinxx, I miss him like crazy. I miss the sparks he gave me and the butterflies that I get in my stomach when I take a glance at him.
  I packed my stuff and hugged Raven goodbye, I can't wait to see him.
(Anyone got a bad idea about this😏)

  I'm so excited to see Jinxx, I leave my bags on the ground in front of the stairs. I hear someone's muffled moans and groans coming upstairs. I frowned and slowly walked upstairs. It's coming from Jinxx and my room. I stared at the door and pulled out my switch blade, I held it by my side and twisted the knob. It's locked, I picked it with a hair pin and unlocked it. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" The blonde girl stops and covers herself, as if I've never seen a body of the same gender as me, I cross my arms with my blade still beside me.
  "Baby." Jinxx looks at me guilty.
  "Good bye Jinxx." My voice cracked
  "Baby I still love you." I shake my head and put my blade back in my boot and walk downstairs. I grabbed my bags once again and drove off in my car.
  I ring CC's doorbell a million times. "Hold your shit I'm coming!" I hear him shout, he opens the door and his look immediately softens once he sees my puffy red eyes. "What happened Lacy?" He lets me in and I sit on the couch crying and clutching onto him. "Honey, I can't help you if you don't tell me."
  "Neither can we." Andy, Jake, and Ashley come in worried. They all circle around me. Ash beside me, Andy standing in front of me, and Jake sitting on the floor holding my right hand. "Tell us sweetie." Ashley said in a concerned voice.
  "J-Jinxx cheated on me." I tried my best to hold it in.
  "See I know that Brittany chick was up to no good!" Jake growled
  "W-what?" I cry harder into Ashley's naked chest. "I just wanna die..."
  "Honey, you have a baby in there." Ashley kisses my head
  "Who told you?" I look up at him, he wipes my tears away.
  "Jinxx did, I'm sorry for hurting you last week." I nod
  "It's okay, I can't stay mad at my older brother." He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me in closer to him. I could smell his strong but relaxing cologne, I breathed him in slowly.
  "So what are we gonna do?" Jake asks
  "Nothing." I answered "He's happy with her."
  "What about you?" CC furrows his brows
  "I...well..." I look around and smile. "I'm happy with you guys, you're my real family." They all hug me.
  "I love you sis." Ash pecks my head
  "Love you too."
  "Hey CC loves you too!" CC pouts
  "And Lacy loves CC." I giggle and kiss his cheek.
  "And Batman." Andy frowns
  "Yes, batman too."
  "Your daddy love you too." Jake smiles
  "I love daddy, b-man, CC, and Kitty." I giggle
  "She's so cute!" CC whines "She's like a little kid." I roll my eyes
  "You're a little kid C." I punch his jaw playfully. "So what are you guys doing?"
  "Drinking and being men and doing men stuff." Ashley says in a manly voice
  "Yeah sure putting hello kitty stickers on each other is manly alright." Jake says sarcastically, I laugh
  "Do you have any left over stickers?" Ash hands me a whole sheet of stickers, I put one each on both cheeks and on my nose. "Kitty!" I say in a little girl voice, I put stickers on his nose and both of his cheeks then to the other guys. "Selfie time!" Andy takes the picture since she's taller and has longer arms.
  "This is so cute!" Ash says in a white girl voice. I laugh and tag them all in except for Ash since he no longer uses social media (those bitches had to mess with him) I post it. "Now the guys and I are gonna get drunk off our asses so what are you gonna do?"
"Watch and see what happens to you guys." CC sighs
"I feel sorry for you, CC is gonna be naked tonight!" Oh god. Save me!!! I know I'm atheist but I will pray if I have to do I won't see CC. I mean I've seen him naked before and he's beautiful and all but...I'm really not up for it again.
"No Lacy doesn't wanna see Cc naked again!" I shout
"Heh, Lacy checks out CC when CC was naked a few nights ago." I blush, the guys look at me
"What? This mans fucking beautiful."
"Bitch!" Andy pushes CC off the couch and flips his hair. "I'm fabulous!"
"Oh hell no!" Jake growls "I'm bootylicious."
"Fuck you guys!" Ashley snaps "I'm fucking sexy." I burst out laughing
"Keep thinking that Ash."
"Bitch." He mutters
"I know I am, but what are you?" I wink.
-Next Day-
The smell of bacon filled the air, the guys got so hammered last night.
-Flashbacks from Last Night-
Ash and Andy were on the couch looking like they were gonna make out with each other. CC was touching Jake's nose and calling it a pretty nose. Jake just looked stoned (which he was).
-Back To the Future(ha!)-
CC woke up from the smell of bacon. "Thanks for the Advil and water." I try to hold in my laughter
"Your welcome." I smirk
"What's so funny?" I make quotations marks in the air with my fingers
"Such a pretty nose." I say in his voice.
"I don't sound like I'm constipated."
"Well you did last night, why do you think Jake's nose is pretty." Jake laughs from the dining table.
"I'm classy CC, date first and maybe I nice movie. We can see the Notebook at your place."
"No!" CC growls "Fifty Shades of Grey is better than that." I smile and shake my head.
"What happened last night?" Ash comes in, I cover my mouth starting to cry. "Why are you crying?" I burst out laughing
"I didn't know you liked Andy that much." I blurted out
"Wait what?" A very confused Andy walks in.
"You and Ash looked hungry for each other, like one of you were gonna pounce on each other in one second." Andy scoots away from Ash further. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." Ash walks to the door.
I open the door, oh no. "What do you want?" I groan.
"I just came to see Lacy." He looks pretty beaten up.
"Jinxx," I sigh "She doesn't want to see you right now."
"Who doesn't want to see who?" Lacy walks up to the door regretting her curiosity.
"Lacy." Jinxx eyes watered "Baby I miss you." I could tell Lacy was in pain.
"J-Jinxx..." she looks down, Jinxx tries to grab her hand but I get in front of her. "Why are you here?"
"Because I miss you." She sighs and pushes me away.
"Jinxx, I need some time alone. But I promise that you can be there when I give birth to the baby. You be with your band and I'll be with mine. We won't even talk to each other, okay?" He nods, Lacy would've cried but she held it in. She acted like she's strong but in reality she's hurting. "Good bye Jinxx, I'll have Gee or Ash get my stuff." She closes the door.
"That was brave of you-Lacy." I catch her before she falls.
"What happened?" CC comes out
"Jinxx was just here."
"Don't beat him up, I said he can stay in the band as long as he doesn't talk to me and I won't talk to him." CC takes her out of my arm and carries her upstairs.
"I'll cook breakfast." I walk to the kitchen trying to hold in my anger for Jinxx.
I felt bad for Lacy. She's pregnant and she was cheated on by the baby daddy. That's messed up. "Wanna sleep in my room?" She nods.
"C-can you take off my pants and my shoes."
"Leave your socks on?" She nods. I lay her on my bed and take off her pants and shoes. "Want my shirt instead?" I already knew how this girl was, when she's hurting she'd come to my house and ask for the shirt I'm wearing. "I'll give you my jacket as well." She's such a jacket monster. I hand her my shirt I was wearing and a jacket.
"Thanks CC, I can always count on you to cheer me up." I smile
"I'll always be there for you."
"Right now I need you beside me." I climb into bed and hold her close to me. "I love you C."
"I love you too my little monster." She giggles
"You're a monster too."
"Honey, I'm not your energy drink."
"Technically you are energy in a can."
"True." She lays her head on my chest. "Are you gonna keep the baby?"
"Good, it'd be nice to have a mini monster running around my house getting chased around by her uncle C." She laughs
"That's adorable." I cup her chin.
  "I hope you come to me first whenever something's wrong."
  "I always will C." She smiles, God her smile is beautiful. "You're my bitch and I'm your whore." I laugh softly.
  "My whore." My lips softly graze against hers, her lips are so soft. My lips fully touch hers, she gives in and kisses me back with passion. I feel her tongue gliding against my bottom lip, she definitely knows what she's doing alright. I give in to Lacy's command and let her explore my mouth, I moan softly and hold onto her tighter.
  "CC." She pushes away gasping for air. "What just happened?" Lacy's grey eyes look into mine worried.
  "I-I'm so sor-" she presses her lips against mine harder, I kiss back harder.
  I try to pin Lacy against the head board but fail. She pins me back on it instead. Lacy is so dominant around me, does Jinxx give her dominance? Probably not, Jinxx is kind of a dominant guy. I'm the in between, as long as the woman doesn't act like she can control my life then I'm cool with it.
  I moan when she tangles her hands in my hair. "Monster we can't." I push her away. "You're pregnant, horny, but sad. I can't do that to you." She nods
  "You're right." Lacy gives me a smile that doesn't quiet reach her eyes. "I'm gonna sleep." I hope I didn't hurt her.

  Don't worry guys! CC isn't dating anyone in this chapter and the next few chapters after.
  Love you guys💙

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