"Hey, you pathetic excuse for a demigod." The most annoying voice in history called. Guess who it was. If you guessed Brendan, ding ding ding! You get the prize! "I challenge you to a battle."

"Okay," I said, excited to have a chance to beat the punk up. 'That sounded like something Clarisse would say.' I thought to myself and grimaced. Clarisse had actually taken a liking to Brendan and her tauntings had only gotten worse. I got up from where I was sitting. "Should I get Chiron?"

"No! Are you scared that I'm going to hurt you? Are you a chicken? Is the great Percy Jackson a chicken?" He taunted.

"Fine." I spat. "Let's do this right here, right now." I walked to one side of the arena and he walked to the other. He had his celestial bronze sword that he called Nightmare (very original, I know) at his side. I got into a fighting stance just in time. He ran at me and I disarmed him quickly, sending his sword all the way across the arena in a corner, pretty much out of sight. I put my sword to his neck. "I win," I whispered.

"DAD!" He called in a whiny voice. Before I could process what was happening, there was a flash of light next to me and I smelt a sea breeze. I realized how bad this probably looked, me holding a sword to Brendan's neck and him not even having a weapon.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?" Poseidon thundered. I thought thundering was Zeus's thing, but Poseidon was pretty good at it.

"P-P-Percy is t-t-trying to kill me!" Brendan sobbed, fake tears rolling down his face.

'I wonder if he's ever considered a career in acting?' my brain asked. 'Shut up.' I told it. Poseidon looked at Brendan with a look of pity. His gaze flicked to me and it was one of rage.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" He roared. I shuddered at the use of my full name. By now, pretty much the whole camp had gathered around and was either staring at me with hatred, disgust, sorrow, or a mix of them.

"I-I swear." I stuttered, dropping Brendan and Riptide, which I hadn't been able to do earlier because I was pretty much paralyzed with fear. "I c-can explain."

"I fear no explanation is in order." He said, his voice deadly calm. I was shaking and could practically feel the blood draining from my face. "Just because you are jealous of Brendan, you were going to kill him, and the poor boy didn't even have a weapon. I'm extremely disappointed in you. You are an embarrassment to all of the gods and Olympus." He set his jaw. "I, Poseidon, God of the seas, disown Perseus Jackson for all eternity." I gasped along with the rest of the demigods surrounding us. Demigod. I wondered if I could call myself that anymore. I suddenly felt a terrible feeling in my chest, like my internal organs were slowly being ripped from my body. I screamed in agony. When it was finally over, I was on the ground clutching my stomach. "I'm going to need this back." Da- no, Poseidon said. That would be hard to digest. He was no longer my father. Poseidon held out his hand and Riptide flew into it. He walked over to where Brendan lay on the ground and handed Riptide to him. Okay, that was just adding insult to injury. "Here, my boy. This is yours now. Make good use of it." Poseidon said, giving me a sideways glare at the end. Brendan held the sword and stood up. I smugly noted that the balance was off for him. Poseidon gave him a hug, ignoring me, and disappeared. Everyone stared at me. I slowly got up, almost barfed, the ran into the woods as fast as my hurting body would allow.

It was almost midnight and I was still sitting high up in a tree, tear marks down my face. I decided to quit moping and go to the beach. Even though I was no longer a son of Poseidon, the beach would still calm me down. I hopped down from my tree and walked to the white sands. I sat and put my hand in the water. Suddenly, the water turned a milky green and my hand started to sting like Hades. I bit my lip to keep from crying out and yanked it out of the water. I looked at my hand which was now red, black, and blue. The stinging was starting to subside. I stood up and decided to go talk to Annabeth. She would know what to do. As I walked back to my cabin, I heard voices from farther along the beach. I decided to go see who it was, so I walked far from the edge of the beach so they wouldn't see me. I was finally able to see the outline of two people sitting on a blanket. I dropped to my stomach and started to crawl. Once I got close enough to hear what they were saying, I stopped. I recognized the outline of the scrawny one as that dirty liar Brendan, and who was the other one? Suddenly as she turned her head, I softly gasped. I would know those blonde curls from anywhere. Annabeth. I listened to what they were saying.

"We've been dating for two and a half weeks already! When are you going to break up with my idiot half brother?" Brendan asked.

"I'll break up with him tomorrow, before breakfast," Annabeth said. "I can't believe I ever loved him. He's like... sea scum and you're a beautiful pearl." I cringed at this horrible metaphor.

I watched in horror as Brendan leaned in for a kiss. I was sure that Annabeth was going to push him away, but she kissed him back passionately, wrapping her arms around his neck. I had had enough of this.

"I can't believe it!" I shouted. "Did our relationship mean nothing to you? Did going through Tartarus mean nothing to you? What about all of those times you told me you loved me? Were you just lying through your teeth?" Annabeth looked up in surprise. When she saw me, she jumped up to her feet, her normally sharp gray eyes dull and cloudy after her make-out session with my idiot of a brother.

"Percy," she said, "this was obviously coming. You're just..." Annabeth inspected me like I was a piece of dirt on the bottom of the shoe. "...not enough for me. You caused the deaths of so many innocent campers and tried to kill my Brendan. He didn't even have a weapon! That is the most dishonorable thing you can do, although, I can't say I'm surprised that you did!" Her words cut through me like daggers.

"He had a weapon! He was the one who challenged me to a fight! He wouldn't let me go get Chiron! I disarmed him, his sword was in the corner of the arena, and it probably still is!" I argued and suddenly snapped. "You know what, I can't do this anymore. I can't. I just can't. I'm breaking up with you Annabeth. Have fun with your lying excuse of a boyfriend." I turned and sprinted to my cabin faster than I thought possible. I slammed the door open and grabbed my backpack, stuffing it with some essentials. A set of clothes, some drachma, and some mortal money. I contemplated leaving my Camp Half-Blood necklace, but for some reason I couldn't explain, decided against it. Where was I going to go? I didn't want to endanger my mom and Paul, and that was the first place they'd check so that was off the list. I decided to just figure it out after I was out of camp. I couldn't stand to be in this place of torment for another moment. I ran by the armory and grabbed the first sword I saw, and then I was on my way.

-Flashback End-

So, here I was, sprinting through the woods, tears flying off my face. I made it to a clearing in about an hour and stopped to take a rest. I noticed that my face seriously stung from the tears. I gently touched where it hurt the most and pulled my hand away. It was covered with blood. The reaction of my hand in the water suddenly resurfaced in my mind. The water in my own body was poisoning me. I realized that the hurt throughout my body that I had though was just the pain of my body was actually the reaction of my personal poison that happened to make up 70% of my body. I was going to die.

The sound of someone clearing their throats made me look up. I saw a man on the other side of the clearing. He looked young, I would have thought him to be in his late teens if it wasn't for the aura of ancientness and power that surrounded him. He was well dressed, standing in a fancy suit. By far, the weirdest thing about him was his eyes. They were completely black but had what looked like galaxies flying through them. The man wasn't scary. He was definitely powerful, maybe even ancient, but not mean.

"Hello." He said, his eyes seemingly staring straight into my soul. "My name is Chaos and I was wondering if you'd like to be the commander of my army."

Hello! This is one of my first published fanfics and I would love to get some feedback on how I'm doing! I'm planning on writing a lot but doing weekly updates so even if I have writer's block, I'll still have something to publish! I won't be doing these every chapter because frankly, I find them annoying.

Also, you may recognize this story. I originally published under a different name, but it underwent some serious edits and changes, so i just dleted thsi story and published a new one. Anyway, enjoy!

Commander AlphaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora