Chapter Twenty Nine: Memories of a Father

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"Keep the house anyway I know you'll have great use for it, come find me when you're finished?"

"I will and not that he'll care but if George wonders where I am, don't tell him," I told him.

"Okay." Harry tried too look supportive but I knew asking him to not tell George anything made him a little uncomfortable. 

      My brother descended down the stairs while I walked up the remaining stairs, holding on to my father's precious memories. I couldn't believe after that night Dumbledore's office remained untouched. My eyes spotted the pensive; hesitantly I poured the silvery liquid into the mirror bowl and put my face inside. My whole body felt like it had been engulfed entirely.

            I had been plunged into a dark room and the only thing that I could hear was a man and a women shouting at one another. I tried to move near the voices but a quiet whimper made me stop automatically and turn. I saw a dirty boy in the corner, honestly he looked like one color. I knew the ball of darkness was a boy because of how white his skin was. The little boy had obviously been my father, from when he was a child. I walked through the door and saw the couple arguing, I saw my grandparents. The woman had slick black hair that looked the exact shade as my own, her eyes were a brown color, not like my father's but close, and she was pale too.

"I'm sorry Tobias! How many times do you want me to apologize for this?" she demanded, Snape's mother didn't look very sorrowful, in fact, she seemed a little tired of apologizing.

"I don't understand how you couldn't have mentioned that you were a witch Eileen?" Snape's father, Tobias roared.

"Would you have believed me if I had told you before Severus turned eleven?" she squealed back at him. Tobias went silent for a moment, grunted the walked out the door. I saw Snape sneaking out of the window and I followed him but I only got far enough to see the address of the house before the memory shifted.

            The scene changed to a brighter place, a warmer place, I looked around for a long while before I caught a glimpse at my father, who was,  the age of fourteen or thirteen. He still looked like one color with the exception of his paleness. He had been on the swings with my mother. 

"Sev, why are you never home?" she had asked him. Snape looked down at his feet, embarrassed. Lily put a hand on his shoulder it caused an immediate reaction for him to look up at her, she smiled. "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want too, let's talk about Hogwarts or something else..." she mused.

"Okay... Oh I can tell you about the Aurors, they're an amazing bunch," Snape started excitedly.

"Lily! Mum says it's time for you to come home – what's he doing here?" Aunt Petunia pointed a bony finger at my father.

"Okay I'm coming Tuny!" Lily called back, she looked back my dad hugged him then the scene changed once more.

            This time I had entered Hogwarts, and my parents were in their sixth year, I also saw James Potter and his gang of friends my mother had been tagging along behind James until she saw my father.  She left James and strode over to Snape, kissed him softly on the mouth. It seemed odd to see my father so happy and just to watch my teenager parents kissing...

"I've missed you Sev, we haven't been hanging out a lot lately, it seems like your friends don't want us to be friends so they keep us a part," she whined, while stroking his hair.

"Well your friends are no different, why do keep spending time with them when you know what they do to me?" he asked, antagonized. Lily rolled her eyes and put her hand on Severus's shoulder. 

The Sins of a FatherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang