Chapter 1 -Where I met you

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"Ahhhh!!" I let out my first breathe of air. Where am I? I questioned myself. This world is cold and peculiar, and what's with all the lights. I feel softness, "where am?" I cried but not a single person reply. I heard a familiar voice say," honey mommy is here, you're so beautiful," I felt safe and happy. I fell asleep.

"What's with all this noise?" I thought to myself. I open my eyes for the first time it felt refreshing. There, I saw an angel above me, he was shining. His spirit looked full of joy and happiness. I saw his life before; his life was going to be great. He looks smaller than the other unfamiliar people around him. He must have been younger.

I heard he say, "Can I hold her, daddy?" his voice filled my ears like music; I knew his voice it was familiar. I would hear him from the inside where I grew, he would try reading to me but pronoun words continuously wrong. His smile, light up in my eyes, I wanted to this moment to last forever.

Sixteen years later

"No we can't," I told him.

"It's okay I will take of you, don't I always?" he questioned.

"Yes, but I am scared," I admitted.

He smiled and promised to go slow. "Wake up, dummy!" I heard abruptly. I felt my body being shaken. When I opened my eyes, JJ was sitting next to me on my bed. I gave him a little smile.

"I was not what you were expecting?"

"No, you know you're my favourite person in the world," we laughed.

But he was right, in my heart I really wished my brother was the person who woke me up.

"Where is he?" I questioned as I stepped into the shower.

"You know him, his usual morning run, but how are you feeling? He is leaving for college today," JJ questioned.

"I am fine," I lied

When I got out the shower I could see JJ wanted to ask me more questions about Demetri leaving to go away but he knew me enough to know I would only lie. It had been two years already since me and JJ broke up and I told him my secret. He promised never to tell anyone and ever since then he has stood by my side. I could not keep up the lying to JJ when I loved someone else.

JJ stood outside my door while I got dress; when I finished he accompanied me downstairs for breakfast. Breakfast was noisier than ever today because Demetri my older brother was leaving for university and as always his outstanding personality shone bright.

Breakfast was soon over, my brother said his goodbyes and hopped in his car and drove away to enter the world of people. The day went on quiet as ever, the house seems to have lost it light. Evening came and I started writing in my diary.

"Dear Diary,

Today was a momentous event my brother left to join the world of people. I hope he is happy. He will be at university for 4 years. I hope that's enough time for me to cure myself. God I pray to you to help me find love and for my brother as well. I need to overcome this for what I feel toward him is wrong. I know I will have Finch's help but I don't think that would be enough. Why am I so different? Why could I not be normal? So dairy today's question, can I be cured? DATE July 23rd 2016.

I closed my diary and sat in bed thinking over the events of today, my brother has left me, and prayed he finds love and so do I. I pressed my head against the pillow and dozed off to sleep.



In a Field of DandelionsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ