The Final Pages

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A great clash broke through the sky as Aszingoth flung himself into the tower wall, managing to protect himself and the others. Faith, Danny and Talon all quickly got to their feet and readied their swords. There was a silence until the sounds of dragging chains began to come into hearing range. It was skin shivering, as if there were someone with shackles around their entire body, slowly dragging themselves across the tower. After a moment the chains stopped and the sound of high heels clinked on the stone floor. 

Then, a woman. Her white, thin robe waved and flickered like sheets in the breeze. Her hair was styled in a high bun and a crown of silver spikes neatly sat on top of her head.  Her skin was quite pale and her lips were as red as blood. Dark eyeliner and a smokey eye shadow made her eyes look big and devilish, and her nails, her nails were long and painted with a shiny, bold red. 

"Why couldn't you of come in through the back way? It would save me the time of having to clean up this mess!" Snapped the woman.

"It's not exactly that easy!" Snarled Faith.

The woman looked at her nails for a slight second before swiping her hand at Faith. A light gust of wind was shot a Faith, but it was enough to swipe her off her feet. Aszingoth growled and Danny looked at the mysterious woman in shock, whilst Talon assisted Faith.

"I'm...fine!" Winced Faith.

Suddenly, in her anger, Faith swiped a huge tidal wave of flames straight into the woman's direction. But for some reason, the woman continued to pleasantly look at her nails as a jet of flames began to explode onto her. Eventually the flames left and yet, not a single burn rested amongst the woman's body or clothes.

"Dear, sweet Faith. You truly are full of surprises. Unfortunately, dark magic doesn't effect me darling! So thanks for the extra magic," growled the woman, her eye suddenly flickered with a burning sense to them. 

"Faith,  you must remember the path of calm, or you will not defeat Ciara!" Rumbled Aszingoth to Faith telepathically.

"How!? I'm so full of anger!" Returned Faith through her mind.

"You must calm now or you will kill yourself! The fire inside you will burn you from the inside out!" Said Azsingoth.

"There is truly no need for mind speech you pathetic calm ones! I can hear everything your saying!" Snapped Ciara, beginning to mould a ball of electricity in her hand.

"You will not defeat me Ciara! As long as I have peace, you will not reach my heart," said Aszingoth.

"I'm not after your heart fool, I'm after Faith's! Her heart is strong and full of hope, with her heart finally in my palms I will be unstoppable! No one will be able to even challenge me! Shrieked Ciara in a sought of insane way, before laughing evilly and summoning a great cloud of mist to swarm around her.

"Faith, it is up to you now! You must battle Ciara in order to free our world from her dark clutches," said Aszingoth gently placing his hand on Faith's shoulder.

"What if I fail?" 

Aszingoth leaned forward and stared deeply into Faith's eyes.

"I know you won't fail." He mumbled.

Without further said, Faith unsheathed her sword and levitated up to meet Ciara's vicious misty cloud.

"We will help however we can!" Yelled Talon helping Danny onto Aszingoth's back and waiting for the dragon to take flight.

Suddenly, Aszingoth let out an eruption of flames that seeped straight into the heart of the misty swarm, disrupting the summoning and causing Ciara to fall to the ground. The dragon let out a ferocious roar before flying out of the great hole he had created in the tower.

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