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"Danny?!" Gasped Faith, before squeezing him tightly, and Danny hugged her back.

Faith could hear his cute sobs as he tried to hold back, but it was no use. 

"What are you doing out here?" She cried.

"I'll tell you everything, please come to my camp." Said Danny.

It was rather strange for Faith, because she remembered Danny with a young voice and slim body, not a slightly low voice and tall strong body.

Later that evening Faith snacked on some meat that Danny had caught. They sat on opposite sides of the glowing fire, that crackled and popped through the silent woods.

They were quite for a long time before Faith decided to speak up.

"Why did you want to kill me?"

Danny looked at her wide eyed.

"I didn't mean too! At first I thought you were another one of those thieves that had come to snatch another one of my goods before nightfall, but then I realized, you were different, you looked like someone I knew which was strange. Of course I forgot to put my crossbow down and so I accidentally fired a shot, almost killing you, but unfortunately alerting you in the process, then you flung me against a tree. How did you do that?" Said Danny.

"It's....complicated. Perhaps another time."

Faith still had so many questions but she still wasn't sure of her brother. After all, she hadn't seen him for nearly four and a half years, and she still regretted the day she failed to save him.

"How old are you?" Smiled Danny shyly, "I know you were having your sixteenth birthday, but... I haven't been keeping track of the years."

"I'm twenty."

Danny went wide eyed again.


"Yeah, I'm kind of old..."

"No! Of course not, I mean... I only turned twelve a few months ago, I'm almost a teen!" Said Danny.

Faith shot him a look of almost disbelieve. It had been so long...

"Where did you go?" Asked Faith, finally bringing out the question she had been straining to bring into the conversation.

Danny went a little quite for a moment, the let out a small sigh and started his speech.

"When I was taken away on that day, I was taken to a horrible place, where other stolen children had to learn to fight for a rebellion going against something... Or someone. We were never told why we were sent there, and we were never aloud outside the castle walls. Only the strongest children would live throughout the training, and... As you could probably tell... I was one of them. Only, the saddest part was... I believed that you'd come and find me. I thought that you'd rescue me from the awful place...then to realise that no one ever came. I would forever be stuck there unless I did something. So on my fourth year I found an escape tunnel, through the sewers and I was set to go where ever the road took me... and I hoped... it would lead me...to you." Said Danny.

Faith's face was wet with her tears. She felt like a complete wreck, realising that she never made the effort to try and find her brother. She felt so empty inside, and ached everywhere.

"I'm so... Sorry. I can't believe I didn't make the effort to even look for you, you probably don't even think of me as a sister anymore. But that's fine. I was afraid, and foolish, stupid," mumbled Faith under an agony of held back sobs.

"It's not your fault. I should never of suggested the idea to run across the road, then none of this would've ever happened." Mumbled Danny. 

Faith remained quite before crawling over to Danny and hugging him once more. Danny, also gave Faith a long tight embrace. For the rest of the night, Faith remained with Danny, for their torn bond had finally been repaired, and now there was no going back.

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