The Other Side

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After a long, sinister trip across the foggy river Faith and Danny almost fell out of there boat when they bumped against the shore. They both got out and pulled the boat onto the muddy, sludge. 

"Come on we still need to get Talon out," Faith said as she began to pick up his arm's.

They carried him up a small hill away from the river when the fog finally cleared and a great green field awaited them. Faith let out a humble sigh and Danny was amazed. It was only a few days ago since they ran out of food, and now they were surrounded by apple trees. 

"I'm sure it won't be long now until Talon wakes up." Said Faith as she placed him under the largest apple tree there. 

"I'll go look around see if there's any other fruits growing and just explore," said Danny placing his small pack down and getting up to go explore.

Faith sat by Talon watching him inhale and exhale calmly. 

"I hope your alright. I know we only just met, but I feel like I've known you for years, which his strange." Mumbled Faith.

Faith gently stroked his soft, brown locks. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOIN?" Yelled Talon, scaring Faith out of her skin.

Talon laughed and stretched out his arms. 

"You! Ugh, I hate you." Mumbled Faith with a funny smirk on her face.

Talon chuckled again before slowly getting up and leaning against the tree, gingerly touching the bug bite.

"Leave it. You'll infect it if you don't." Said Faith.

"What more could happen to me? I'm already on the verge of death."

"Don't say that. We'll make it to Ciara and we will defeat her."

"How do you know that?"

"Have you ever had fate in anything?"

Talon went quiet and leaned his head back on the tree. Faith sighed and laid down on the soft, sweet smelling grass.

"Where's Danny?"

"He went to go find some more food, he'll be back soon."

"You didn't go with him."

"He's older now, he can take care of himself, and besides, he would've complained if I'd come along."

Faith read Talon's mind quickly. Many questions scattered through his head but the main question that called out the most was; 'you should still go with him.'

Faith suddenly saw a giant, bright red apple, glistening in the sunshine. Her stomach suddenly grumbled and the urge to reach the apple suddenly became intense. She leaped up onto the bare trunk and gripped on with all her strength but eventually had to let go.

Talon looked up in his mind he was saying, 'what is she doing?'

"Your not helping." Mumbled Faith.

"And I don't plan to." Smiled Talon.

After a few minutes of clawing and and climbing, Faith eventually stopped, after her hands were sore and her feet were weak. She underestimated the ability of climbing a tree. She down by the tree again, in agony with her hungry stomach trying to think of another alternative. 

"Sorry princess, but unfortunately gravity well never let you go, you'd have to be able to control the earth to get to where you're going."

Then a sudden thought bounced through her head. Faith could control the earth.

She got up and stretched out her fingers, facing her palms down to the floor, she began to think. Remembering what Veronica told her; feel the earth, smell it, believe that you are able to control it. 

A faint rumble vibrated underneath her feet, until a small platform quickly lifted her towards the leaves and branches of the tree. She reached out her hand towards the giant apple that gleamed at her. Licking her lips and her stomach going wild she finally stopped right in front of apple. 

She carefully grabbed its sides and it was gently plucked from its heaving stem. She was dying to take a bite but she thought it would be better to eat it somewhere more comfortable. She lowered herself back down to the ground and carefully rested back against the tree like nothing ever happened. Talon was gaping at her and then at the apple.


"Magic." Giggled Faith.

" just flew up...and...what?!"



Talon plonked himself back down on the grass and rested.

"Your not gonna get me one?" Asked Talon

"And I don't plan to." 

Faith grinned to herself, and looked at her prize once more, before taking a great chunk out of its  centre. The elegant crunch made her drool as its juicy centre dripped down her chin. 

"I hate you." Said Talon.

"I know."

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