The Path of Peace

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The great dragon was the size of his gold mountain, towering before Faith as he stood to his full height. 

His scaly hide shimmered a glittery red and gold, sought of resembling a flame. His great golden eyes stared at Faith. His goat-like horns twisted around, reaching from the back of his head, and his snake like tongue flickered every few moments. His human like hands were equipped with long black talons, probably the most intimidating thing at the moment, Faith thought.

"Hmm... And who is it you'd like to speak with?" Asked the dragon, grinning and showing two rows of sharp lizard-like teeth.

"Azsingoth." Mumbled Faith.

"Well then, I'm sure if you've come all the way from Krosili Pass, you're not dumb enough to not think that I'm the one you wish to speak with. Correct?" 

Faith hesitated.

"Yeah, sure, but may I ask... How did you know that I was from Krosili. I never even told you."

"I can smell village on you and I know Honey Rose Ale when I smell it. BUT that truly does not matter for the moment, please come with me." Rumbled Azsingoth as he turned and led Faith through a short tunnel.

When Faith reappeared, she was in a strange but beautiful place. A great rock arched over, stretching out to her, a ray of light shone down upon the rock, reflecting a shower of dust that floated around. A small stream of fresh water silently trickled by some vines that sealed up cracks and held the place together. 

"If this is what I think it is than we'll be needing to start here." Said Azsingoth. 


"Let me see those marks."

Faith lifted her shirt.

"By the nine elements, I haven't seen a ruin like these in centuries." Said Azsingoth appearing wide eyed.

"Why? What's wrong?" Asked Faith.

"Now I need you to be very calm--


Azsingoth suddenly made a tremendous roar echoing throughout the entire cavern.

"ENOUGH MORTAL! When I give you orders I suggest you agree to them unless you're willing to die!" He roared.

"You'd kill me?"

"NO, but those ruins will!"


"Now, LISTEN TO ME, I'll tell you all about your marks but right now I need you to CALM DOWN, the only way your going to get through this is if you stay calm. Now from here on out I suggest that you do as I say, WHEN I say, and you'll be perfectly fine. I'm trying to help you Faith, now please co-operate with me."

Faith closed her eyes and slowed her breathing.

"Good. Unfortunately, from your little fit that just erupted from you, you've just spread your ruins. They're already reaching your shoulders." Pointed Azsingoth.

Faith looked at her left shoulder and to her shock the marks had climbed there way up.

"You are cursed with an ancient curse that has not been summoned for centuries. Obviously this... sorcerer who placed the curse upon you didn't like the future he saw. It's called the Mythic's Curse. Basically the way it kills you is if your overreact in any way, for example complaining, raging or crying."

Faith suddenly realised that it all made sense, after she had complained to her mother at the markets she noticed the marks had grown.

"W...what happens if they reach my entire body?"

"If they have reach the point where they have covered your entir face and are soon to be seen through your eyes, then you'll die. That's why it's extremely important that you have a calm quality to you at all times, no matter how much you want to scream or cry and yell, each time this happens, you will get another inch closer to death." Explained Azsingoth. 

"So then, what am I going to do? Is there a cure?" 

"There is only one cure, and that is to destroy the creator of this curse." 

"Do you know who did it then?" Asked Faith.

"From the description of these marks, it could only be the one who ever created the foul curse. Ciara Mythica. No other sorcerer knows how to summon her curse."

"Is she powerful?"

"If I told you the most powerful group of sorcerers ( the Arkons ) bow down to her as she sits on a throne in her tower, would you think she is powerful?" Asked Azsingoth.

Faith went wide eyed but soon felt somewhat stupid for not realizing it. 

"Alright, now you know what your curse is and what must be done to cure yourself, let's begin the Path of Peace." 

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