A New Face

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Veronica was waiting for Faith and Danny as they walked out of their room with their equipment and packs.

"Your going to need to be light on your feet, so I recommend you keep your stuff here." Said Veronica.

Faith and Danny gave a faithful sigh of relief and plonked most of their heavy items on the ground in front of them.

"Good. Now, the road that faces you is a perilous one, be sure to be alert at every stage. Ciara's sorcerers could be any where, or worse she could have plotted an ambush. Be on your guard, and remember, the path of peace is yours to walk if you believe your light enough." Said Veronica before exploding into millions of dust particles and swooping out of her castle. 

Faith tapped Danny's shoulder and they both headed for the exit. 

For the past few days, Faith's marks have managed to grow, but only past her shoulders. She was still very wary of them since she could now see them more often.

"You still haven't told me what's going on." Said Danny as they walked.

"Oh my... I can't believe I still haven't told you!" Said Faith staring at Danny.

"I've been patient."

"Okay... I'm not going to go into any detail with this, I'm just going to go straight to the point. I'm cursed."


"No one has conjured the curse in more than 1000 years at least. Basically, these marks you can see on my shoulders, will eventually kill me if I don't remain calm. That is also why I have to find a cure and the only cure is to destroy the creator. Ciara."

"Wow, that's quite... disturbing," hesitated Danny.

Faith gave a quiet laugh.

"You could say that again."

"Wow, that's quite --- Don't repeat it, " interrupted Faith.

Danny laughed as Faith pushed him in the shoulder.

"I'd forgotten how annoying you were," grinned Faith.

"Glad I could remind you."

Unfortunately in their time of conversation, Faith and Danny had completely forgotten about the dangers that were ahead.

Eventually they calmed down and kept their eyes on the road.

Faith heard something from behind her.

"Stop." Whispered Faith.


"Didn't you here that?"


Faith kept walking and Danny watched her confusingly.

The snap of twigs came from the left side of the road. 

Faith spun her head sharply, and Danny stared as well.

The silence fell again.

Faith was extremely suspicious now, she tried to remain unafraid because if she didn't her marks would spread, but she could feel them slithering down her arm, ever so slightly. 

"Show yourself!" Yelled Faith.

A low growl rumbled from some rustling bushes where Faith and Danny watched intently.

"Grab my hand."


"Do it now."

Danny grabbed Faith's hand as she commanded, turning time to slow, just as a creature leaped out of the bushes. 

Its great paws stretched out in front of it ready to tear Faith and Danny apart. Its body structure resembled that of a panther, muscular and flexible. Its fur was white with red patterns all over it. Its eyes glowed bright blue and its pupils were knife thin. Its tail was long and thin, like a rat's and its back legs looked like a rat's as well. Its mouth was gaping open, baring thousands of blood stained teeth and two long canine at the front. 

Faith acted quickly, running towards the animal before time returned to its normal state. She was too late, the creature launched at her, its claws digging into her skin, its hot breath made Faith gag on the inside as it's froth and saliva dripped onto her neck and cheeks.

The creature was about to strike when an iron blade suddenly pierced the animals neck and sliced through the bottom. The creature screamed before toppling off Faith and running back into the forest.

"Its not dead?"

"Of course not, Terror Tigers can heal within ours, they're basically immortal without the spell to banish them," said a low unfamiliar voice.

Faith got up to witness the stranger that saved her.  

He looked about her age, a stubble beard and a faint scar across his cheek.

Who was this guy? Was he a friend, or foe?

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