The Markets

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Faith woke up to her mother clattering pots and pans.

"Is she awake yet? Go check." She said. 

Ron walked into Faith's room,  unfortunately to notice that she was already out of bed.

"Well. I suppose you heard your mother then?" He said.

Faith gave a chuckle.

"Yeah..." Said Faith.

Ron walked out and went back to the kitchen.

Faith got changed into her day clothes and walked out to the kitchen as well.

"Good morning! My special girl! Birthday Eve!" Chanted Madylin giving Faith a squeeze.

Faith smiled but felt a little uncomfortable...

"Alright, cool. I'm gonna go into the woods and--

"Oh no your not! Your coming with me to pick out your dress missy!" Bounced Madylin snatching up Faith's shirt and tugging her out the door.

Faith's stomach dropped and her mood became dark and frustrated. She HATED shopping, she didn't understand what was so amazing about it.

For the whole time her mum took her around the markets, Faith walked slowly and hunched, dragging her feet ever so slowly.

"Oh stop looking so dead! You should be grateful." Said Madylin. "By the way the family will be here at lunch time. Everyone is going to be here!"

Faith got a slight shock of excitement but then her previous mood swept over her like waves on a beach. The tiny blades stabbing into her back and pricking the mood back into place. 


After a final minute of walking, Madylin had finally had it.

"Ugh, if your not going to choose anything then I'll take you home!" She said.

Faith went wide eyed, fell to her knees and tugged at her mother's pants, pleading.

"Oh please take me home! I'll die out here, you don't understand how many brain cells I'm losing," whined Faith before falling onto the gravel in front of all the people there.

"Would you get up....stop being so--ugh, you know what, fine, go." Mumbled Madylin.

Before Madylin even got the chance to turn around and say goodbye, Faith's gravel dust was already fading. 

"Chipanta!" Yelled Faith as she walked into the woods.

"Come out! I'm alone."

Faith wondered out of sight yelling this odd name for ages, until finally it came.

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