To the Tower

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Silenced lurked sinisterly around them as they walk up the vast stairs and halls of the castle. Once again no enemies stood in their way. They had finally reached an ally, and once they'd come to the other side they marveled at the all of the shadowed kingdoms towers, bridges and detailed statues, all of the kingdom unfortunately lingered in a deathly state, the gardens were but an array of dead trees and shrubs. Old leaves gently brushed past their feet and fell down towards a dark drop. The sky was painted by a huge grey and red cloud, that swirled like a snake coiling over and over again, painting the entire kingdom with a red and black colour. 

"How are we going to find Ciara through all of this?" Asked Talon. 

"That' interesting question." Replied Faith staring across the maze of towers and rooms. 

"Perhaps there's a faster way than this? I mean, surely Ciara doesn't travel through her entire kingdom just to get to the throne-room." Said Danny.

"That is questionable Danny but I'm pretty sure that Ciara could just teleport to her throne room by using dark magic."

"That's what I mean?!"

"What are you talking about?" Asked Talon, just as confused as Faith. 

"Faith, don't you know how to control the elements? You could simply construct a bridge out of the earth and travel it all the way up to the throne room.

Faith was oddly satisfied in how smart his younger brother was, but thought of herself as stupid for not thinking of something like that in the first place.

"Okay, I'll find the throne room but I'm going to need to concentrate."

Suddenly a small dark creature with big yellow eyes and large claws and teeth shrieked at their presence. It suddenly let out a wailing cry that echoed through the entire kingdom, and before long a tsunami of black spots crawled out of every door and hall of the kingdom, their terrifying shrieks were like war chants. Some of them climbed down the walls like droplets of water and others trickled down stairs and buildings, each one viscously trying to gain first place in a chaotic mass of creatures.

"We'll hold them off. But we won't be able to for long you need to start to focus now Faith!" Yelled Talon as he and Danny unsheathed their swords and faced back to back.

Without a word, Faith closed her eyes and drew a deep, calming breath. Trying immensely to block the shrieks from her mind she only thought of the earth, she only felt the earth and she only smelt it's earthy core. 

Talon and Danny were beginning to slash and fight the dark creatures as they launched at them with their mouths gaping. They were all feral and hyperactive, as if something had caused them to become so crazy that they'd do anything for it. 

Before long Talon and Danny were already beginning to become out numbered as the creatures' blood splashed onto them and sprayed over there faces. 

"Hurry Faith!" Screamed Danny barely able to swing his sword anymore. 

Suddenly a low rumble silenced the battle ground and then, all of the creatures suddenly ran back into hiding, some of them screamed. The kingdom soon returned to its normal state.

"Was that you?" Asked Talon.

"I don't know."

"I hope it was." Replied Danny.

Then out of no where, Azsingoth soared down from the skies and landed near Faith and her team.


"I couldn't let my most trustworthy apprentice fight the main threat without myself now could I?" He rumbled.

Hesitatingly Faith walked towards him her hand out. Azsingoth simply smiled and bowed his head so that Faith could pet him. His shining gold and green scales felt rough and solid. 

"That was the master that trained you!" Gasped Danny, "You didn't tell me he was a DRAGON!"

Azsingoth's eye suddenly gleamed into Danny's. Danny remained silent for a moment.  

"And who are your friends?" Asked Azsingoth.

"My long lost brother, Danny and... A stranger that helped us on the road. Talon." Replied Faith.

Talon gave a small bow. Azsingoth grunted snobbishly. 

"Come then, if your a friend of Faith's then you're friends of mine." Said Azsingoth gently laying down so that all three of them could climb onto his back.

"Hold tight, I'm a little rusty on flying with passengers, since I haven't done so in centuries."

All three of them gave a laugh but that smile soon swiped off their faces once Azsingoth had left the ground and they were airborne.

"I did try to tell you, now hold on everyone, for I'm about to lead you straight into the Queen's Lair." Bellowed Azsingoth as he stretched out his wings to their full size and gracefully flapped towards the very peek of the kingdom. Ciara's lair...

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