Ace Jokes [puns 100% intended]

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What do you call an expert archer who is not interested in sex or romance?

An aro-ace arrow ace

I got my results back for the sexuality test.

I aced it.

How easy is it for an asexual to say "no" to sex?

A piece of cake.

Ace and aro people are the best at hide and seek.

We're so good that we don't even need to hide and they still can't see us.

What do you call an asexual in space?

An acetronaut.

Me: *opens Google and searches for "asexual"*

Google: Did you mean a sexual?

Me: No that's exactly what I didn't mean.


There's your ace ace jokes for the day. Comment any more you've got, I'd love to hear them!

- Your friendly neighbourhood asexual

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