Chapter Eleven

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So sorry this took so long and is short... But hope you have your hearts ready!!!! But moving took a lot out of me and I have been busy with some stuff. But I love you guys so I'll wrap this up and let you get on to the chapter!

Dipper's POV

No no no no no no no no no no No No NO! My notebook fell to the forest floor with a thunk.

"Dipper listen," Ford made his way toward me with an arm outstretched. "I know your scared bu-" I cut him off with a wavering voice.

"Scared..? I just found out I'm not your great nephew... That my twin isn't my twin and th-that I'm.... not even human," I had a hard time weakly squeezing out those words before I addressed my former Grucle again. "What-what am I?"

Ford froze and opened his mouth a few times before reclosing it like a water deprived fish.

But luckily I didn't need an answer from him. Someone else answered me.

"You're a magical fairy!! Hahahahehe! Woah, stop looking so dejected kid I was joking. But come on. I came here to bring you home. And as much I love this dimension I really need to hit the wheat. Wait that's not it... Hay! It's hit the hay! Oh gosh you mortals and your weird phrases!! Come on now baby bro! Step into the swirling portal of DAMNATION! HAHAHAHA I'M JUST JOKING!" Bill answered.

"Bill." Ford had finally put in his two cents.

"Sixer?" Bill had landed on the ground and once again began to lean forward in his cane at an unnatural angle.

"Let him say goodbye. He doesn't understand and these are the people he was raised with. He needs to-" Bill was the one to cut him off this time.

"Fine. Go on Dipper. Then we're leaving alright? We have some stuff to attend to back home."

Did I not have say in all this? Why was this happening now? My train of thought was interrupted by a tackle I knew well.

I heard Mabel fail to quiet her sobs against my shoulder and my own stream of tears started up for a second time. I snaked my arms around my non-twin and hugged her with just as much vigor. Bill and my former Great Uncles remained silent throughout the embrace. After what could be five minutes or five hours a sniveling Mabel let go and stood in front of me. She gave a mix between a cough and sob as she swiped her pink sweater covered arm across her face. She now has a great deal of snot on her her sleeve but she didn't seem to notice.

"You-you're gonna remember me right? You won't forget? If you do I'mma have to punch you. Because.... I don't care what that Bill guy says! You're still my brother ok? And siblings they don't forget each other." I could barley pull a response from my overworked mind as Mabel give her short speech.

"Yeah. Of course."

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