So Now We Know

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So Now We Know


Fred told me everything he knew, what he had overheard, everything. Michael was attacked by wolves when he was very young his family killed. In response a man gave him the book which now he idolizes. His mission is to CURE being a werewolf. As if it was some kind of disease. I paced around tapping my chin. “Where are we?” I asked finally.

Fred sighed. “I’m not supposed to say anything.”

I walked slowly up to Fred. “What is your opinion on wolves?” I asked. He shrugged. “Do you think they need to be cured? That we are dangerous?”

Fred sighed. “You’re no more dangerous than a man with a gun.” He said. “We’re just north of the Red Stone mountains.” He said.

Red Stone Mountains? That was far from our territory, at least a three day drive. There were no packs here that I knew off. It was an empty territory for some time. I wonder why? Is it because of him?

I shifted back into a wolf and sat back at the rear of the cave. Michael was nursing a growing need of revenge on the wolves that killed his family, but that sounds so… unlikely. Yes there are bad wolves but there is a line of Taboo. You don’t just kill a family of humans. They could have been… that would be more likely. I mulled the thought over in my head while Fred started his puzzle. I need to tell them.


Sam groaned in her sleep. “Layla…” She muttered. I looked at her sharply as she kept mumbling and groaning. Was she talking to Layla? Did that mean we were close?

“What is she…?” August began.

“SHH!” I shushed him and watched Sam from the corner of my eye while driving down the road. I didn’t want to wake her. If she really was talking to Layla then that meant we were close, and that Layla was alright!

After a moment Sam stopped and blinked her eyes open. “We have to go to the Red Stone Mountains.” She said looking at me. I looked straight ahead as the mountain range came into view. We were almost there already. I stepped on the gas and pushed the car a little faster.

“The Red Stone Mountains? Are you Insane!?” August snapped.

“What?” Sam and I asked in unison.

“You’re telling me you don’t know? Seriously! And you call yourself an Alpha!” August snapped again. His arms went up in the air. “The reason they are called the Red Stone Mountains is because of the massive battle that happened between Wolves and Hunters years ago. Saying that it stained the rocks red with the spilled blood, the whole area is now controlled by Hunters. And not the nice kind.” He growled. “The kind that kill on sight, and ask questions later.”

“Then we’ll just have to be careful.” I said.

A Cup of Tea and A Book Store


We made it to the town with the book store, in fact I spotted the book store right away. “Maybe we can find a map of the mountain.” I stated. John smiled at me and winked. He pulled in and August opted for waiting in the car, grumbling with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Grump.” John stated. I chuckled and followed him into the dusty old store.

An old man sat at the counter a Sudoku puzzle in his hand. “Hello!” he called brightly. As his eyes fell of me they grew wide and he shuffled out into the back of the store and disappeared.

“That was odd.” I whispered. John as well slipped into the dimly lit book store, where the shelves were tall and covered in a thick layer of dust. I got the feeling that no one really came here.

I skimmed through the isles looking at the backs of the old books. Some were so faded I couldn’t find anything written on them, others. Seconds later the old man came back. He looked as though he had seen a ghost, but now he had collected himself.

“Hello! My name is Henry!” He called to us. John and I met at the counter. “How can I help you?” He asked.

“We were interested in doing some hiking, do you have any maps of the mountains?” John asked, in a very fake voice. Henry didn’t seem to notice, but his voice seemed very fake as well.

He laughed and pulled out an old map of the mountain. “No new maps have been made lately, this is the only one I have.” John smiled and slid it to the side of the counter.

“I also have a very serious question for you.” All the cheeriness faded from his voice. Henry gulped. “I found and ad for a book you had in your collection here. But I can’t seem to find it.”

“That book.” Henry whispered.

“You know which one I’m referring too?” John was a little shocked. Henry looked out the front of the store.

“Just the map for you then?” Henry asked, in his cheery voice. John frowned. “That book was bought a long time ago, I’m not sure what the ad is for I don’t even know how to use a computer.” Henry slipped a piece of paper into the map very quickly, and rang it through the till. “That’ll be $2.50.­” 

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