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John’s POV

I burst into the house fuming. They had taken her! I smashed my way through the kitchen, dining room, and was working on the living room. I couldn’t seem to find enough things to break. It was so infuriating! How dare they touch her!

I smashed the coffee table and threw the lazy boy against the wall. I balled my fists up and smashed them against the wall, making the frames rattle. When a picture of us fell so did I, I dropped to the floor and picked it up, staring at the two of us smiling together. It was taken shortly after I had regained my memories of myself. She still looked like a little child, and clung to my arm like she did when she was little.

Sobs shook the house, they were so loud I was hardly aware that they were my own. The only clue I got was when large droplets of water dropped on to the glass. I was at a loss for words, unable to express what I felt. “Uncle John?” a small high voice asked behind me. I turned to see a blurry version of Jeb. He looked a lot like my sister with bright blue eyes, and the same face. But he inherited his father’s shaggy brown hair. “Where’s mommy?” he asked, his sweet naivety shook my chest harder as I slumped closer to the floor.

Jeb’s face contorted in fear, probably at how loud I was, and backed into his father’s legs to hide himself. Greg stepped up beside me, tears on his cheeks. “Where is she?” he asked. I shook my head unable to speak. I didn’t know.

I don’t know where they took her, or what they are going to do to her. I felt useless and worthless, I couldn’t protect my own sister!

I wanted to get up and scream and destroy things again, but I was glued to the floor in my dismay. In a shaky voice I finally found words. “Sh-sh-she’s gone.” More tears flushed down my cheeks as I laid my head against the floor and held the frame close to my chest. My body shook, and when someone delicately laid a hand on my shoulder I sat up and threw my head back, letting out a loud agonizing scream. Even my wolf cried at the same time, only a werewolf could hear the howls mixed in with my cry.

Sam’s POV

I sat on the stairs as John ripped through the house. I wasn’t sure what to do, all I knew is that it had something to do with Layla and her message. When the family seemed to meet in the living room, and the crashing stopped, I got up and looked in. John was crying over a picture.

Alison, and another man stood in the room, with the small child from my first night here. The child spoke to John, but got no answer to his question. John was out of it completely, he was in a heap on the floor sobbing, what seemed, his heart out. Finally he lifted his body and tilted his head back, releasing the most painful and heart breaking sound I had ever heard.

A wolf’s song could be heard behind it, and it brought hot tears to the corners of my eyes. My heart rattled against the insides of my chest, and for some reason I knew that this was partly my fault. If I had never shown up here, never taken refuge those men wouldn’t be out looking for more wolves, and Layla wouldn’t have been kidnapped.

“This is my fault.” I whispered. Alison looked at me in shock, her husband’s cry dying down. She shook her head and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

“No it’s not, don’t blame yourself.” She whispered, we both watched as John collapsed on his side in more sobs, bringing his knees to his chest, like a child. Alison placed a hand on her heart. “I can feel his pain.” She whispered, her voice cracking with tears. “Layla was very special to him.” I nodded, very hallow. She rubbed my shoulders, but I think it was to give herself more reassurance than me. For a long time we all stood in a solemn silence. John’s sobbing had stopped, and he was reduced to whimpers and murmurs.

I left Alison’s arms and went to kneel by his side. In a flash his red eyes turned to me. “We’ll find her.” I said confidently. I’m not sure how I knew that we would, or if I had just made it up. But I knew that he needed to hear these words.

He blinked a few times and sat up and smiled weakly at me. “We have to.” He said in a harsh voice. The two of us nodded and got up, heading towards the kitchen. I walked in and sat on the counter, seeing as the table and chairs were now shattered into pieces. While John wrapped his arms around Alison for comfort. I wondered what it would feel like to have the most important person in your life wrapped in your arms.

After that they came in, followed by the man and Layla’s son. “John, what’s the plan?” He asked, holding an arm on the child’s shoulder. I slipped off the counter and approached the child.

“I’ll take him out of here.” I said, the man looked at me strangely.

John patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about it Greg.” He said. Greg nodded to me, so I took the child’s hand and led him up stairs to one of the rooms. Picking him up I sat him on the bed and took a seat beside him.

“Where’s my mommy?” he asked.

He looked up at me with these wide blue eyes, that looked so much like Layla’s, that I didn’t have the heart to lie to him. “I’m not sure, but we’ll find her and bring her home. I promise.” He nodded his head sadly, dipping his chin as tears dripped down his cheeks. I felt my own eyes water at the sight, so I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a strong hug. “You have to pray for her all right.” He nodded, I could feel the movement against my chest.

Pulling back I wiped the tears off his cheeks, but it didn’t take long for them to be replaced by new ones. “Do you want me to tell you a story?” I asked. Carefully he nodded, but he didn’t seem to have his heart into it. “I once knew this magnificent wolf.” He looked up at me in awe. “I had been running through the woods, very scared, when some hunters finally cornered me!” He gasped in shock. I grinned and sat back a bit so I could wave my arms dramatically. “I thought, this was the end... Suddenly a wolf jumped through the trees!” He jumped back, as I jumped forward. His eyes were wide in wonderment. “The hunters were so scared they fall back. I was scared at first, but after she scared away the hunters, she turned and faced me and spoke to me. I thought I was crazy!” he laughed, finally. “But she calmed me down and made me feel better.” I said a little softer. “I don’t know where my life would have been without her.” He jumped on the bed and gave me a hug.

“That’s a cool story.” He said and let go.

I grinned. “Thanks.” He smiled brightly then, and I noticed that he was missing one of his front teeth. I laughed and gave him a sideways hug.

After that we played some games and chased each other around the upstairs until the sun set and he fell asleep. I smiled when I picked him up, and headed to the closest room. As I held him, he wrapped his arms around my neck, nuzzling. “Mommy.” He whispered and squeezed. I felt more tears prick my eyes, but I gently patted his back and walked towards the room.

Carefully opening the door I found a very simple room, that held no pictures, and no memorabilia. Didn’t Layla say something to me about her room being the only one that hadn’t changed? I walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers and laid down Jeb. He curled into the blankets quite quickly, I even found a brown plushy wolf for him. He took it with greedy hands, his eyes sealed shut, and hugged it tightly to his chest.

He looked so cute wrapped up in the covers holding on to the little teddy.

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