The Meeting and a Story

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The Meeting and a Story

“Why are we meeting here?!”

“What’s wrong with our regular meeting place?”

A flurry of complaints flew about the room in the basement of the Orion household. The room actually happened to be the one that Greg, Josh and I were held in when Josh’s father went all crazy. I hadn’t reached it yet, but the complaints could be heard from the front door. I sighed, I knew this would cause problems, but it was the safest place to meet right now.

“Josh!” I waved him over. He was busy speaking to some low level hunters. He waved at me, finished his conversation with his men and quickly walked over to me. “Thanks for this.” I said. He nodded, and watched more people file into his house.

“Layla, what is going on?” he asked.

I sighed. “I’ll explain it to everyone inside. Shall we?” he nodded and the two of us entered the basement. The room was still loud and complaining, some Alpha’s were even standing up and shouting at one another. I sighed once again and found John, I left Sam with him.

He had very quickly migrated his way over to Francis and Bert. The three of them seemed to be in an intense conversation. “John, Francis, Uncle Bert.” I stated walking up beside them, they gasped when they saw me. “Oh please! It’s not that surprising to see me!” I muttered and gave Francis and Bert a hug. “I have to call this meeting to order before a fight breaks out.” I said watching a heated argument get pulled apart.

“Let me help.” Francis said stepping forward. “ALL RIGHT EVERYONE, QUITE DOWN MEETING IS COMING TO ORDER!!” the room settled.

“Thank you Alpha Francis.” I said and made my way to the front of the room, and the head of the table.

Every set of eyes in the room was trained on me as I took my seat. Most of the Alpha’s tried to regain their composure from their arguments, straightening their shirts and clearing their throats. “Listen everyone,” I started calmly. “I would first like to apologize for calling this emergency meeting here, instead of at the cabin. But I have a strong reasons to believe that the forest is currently not safe for any of the packs.”

“Why?” Someone shouted, beginning another round of chatter and arguments.

“If you listen, I will tell you.” I snapped quietly. The room hushed. When I took my position as an Ancient, all of the packs looked up to me as a leader. It was awkward for some time, but I’m used to it by now. I’m like their connection to the Moon Goddess. “While in the woods earlier today, I came across a group of hunters, working on their own.” This shocked the room. “The attempted to attack me. One, whom I assume to be the leader, seems to be the extremist of some kind. He believes that we are demons. I do not know much of him, but I do have some idea of his plans.”

“How did you obtain this information?” an older Alpha asked.

“I have met a wolf whom had encountered this man, and what had occurred while in his presence.”

“Please explain.” He asked leaning forward.

I glanced over to Sam, she was hiding. I thought about calling her up and having her tell her story, but I thought it better to tell her story myself. “I have met this wolf, shortly after they escaped him. I was going through the woods when I found them cowering as two men attempted to kill them...”

“Are we not supposed to know the identity of this wolf?” another Alpha interrupted.

“For now, I would like to keep their identity to themselves. It’s not my story, I’m only relaying the information that I have gathered.” Some members nodded their heads.

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